Title: Whinging
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Challenge: hard
Characters/ pairings: Remus, Sirius, James
“But it’s hard handling Quidditch, homework, and detentions with that bastard Filch!”
Remus sighed. He was not in the mood to listen to Sirius and James whinging.
“You chose to join the Quidditch team,” he said, “Besides, I have as much work as you two.”
“You haven’t had to clean the trophy room,” Sirius pointed out. James nodded.
“Yes, but I didn’t decide to sneak Muggle water things-”
“Pistols,” James said.
“- Water pistols into school, either.”
“You helped, though,” Sirius countered.
“Don’t deny it,” James added.
Remus grinned.
“Fine. But I, at least, had the sense to not get caught.”
Title: Give It Up Already
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Challenge: hard
Characters/ pairings: Remus, Sirius
“You bit off more than you can chew, Moony,” Sirius remarked. Remus didn’t even look up from his book.
“I said, that book must be awful. You’ve been reading it since the start of term. Tomorrow’s Christmas. Even you must be bored.”
“What? No, it’s not boring at all. It’s fascinating, actually.”
Sirius glanced over Remus’ shoulder, smirking.
“Moony, you’ve been working on it for three months and you’re on page two hundred. Page two hundred, out of a couple thousand. After three months. It’s too boring, or too hard for you, or something. Just give it up already.”
Title: Elegant Gathering
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Challenge: hard
Characters/ pairings: Remus, Sirius, James
Remus hadn’t exactly expected Sirius’ Christmas gathering to be like the cozy family parties his mum made, with delicious food. Nevertheless, the state of Sirius’ flat shocked Remus.
“Merry Christmas,” Sirius greeted him.
“Merry-” It was then that Remus noticed the distressed tree leaned against the wall and the tinsel that was almost completely covered with Spellotape.
“Yeah,” Sirius said, apologetically. “But I made biscuits, so all’s well.”
“No, it isn’t,” Remus heard James call from inside the flat. “Whatever you do, don’t eat the biscuits. They’re vile. Hard like rocks, only less tasty.”
“Don’t listen to him.” Sirius grinned.
Title: Out on the Town
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Challenge: hard
Characters/ pairings: Marauders
Author’s note: Continuing the Christmas party idea.
“I’m proud, actually,” Sirius insisted. James sniggered.
“It’s- different.” Remus tried to be charitable.
“The pudding’s good,” Peter added.
“My mum sent the pudding, you twit,” James said.
“Considering I never made biscuits before,” Sirius smiled, “these aren’t bad.”
Remus picked up a biscuit. It was disturbingly heavy, hard- as James had said- like a rock, and rather like putty in colour.
“Well...” he began.
“They’re a source of... seven essential nutrients.”
No one said anything. Finally, Sirius gave up.
“Fine,” he said. “I can’t cook- but I can show you Muggle London. Come on. Get your coats, you three.”