
Dec 14, 2004 23:51

Title: Fault
House: Hufflepuff
Words: 100
Characters: Snape, Harry

He answers the door to find -


He doesn’t reply…just stares at the floor.

“Well? What do you want?”

“I killed him.”

It is enough to stop the Potions Master in his tracks.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Sirius. It was my fault. I’m sorry I -”

“Oh, do dry up!” Snape sneered, “Bloody Gryffindors…‘Mea culpa! No, please, don’t forgive me!’ That’s not morality, Potter, it’s impious, arrogant, and weak. A Slytherin doesn’t ask forgiveness. We do what we do, and we live, or we die by it - you’ll never catch me begging for redemption I do not deserve. Now leave.”

author: bluejeanphoenix, sirius, challenge: redemption, snape, harry, sirius black, severus snape, harry potter

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