Title: No Panicking
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters: Remus
Challenge: Pressure
Someday, his boggart would give up on the full moon. Someday, he would be demonstrating Riddikulus, and the boggart would become the stack of debts that were piled up in his Gringotts vault instead of gold.
He stared at the latest billing scroll, and a black depression threatened to close in on him.
Next month. I can make some headway on this one next month. No panicking. I've steady work now.
There was a knock at the door, and Remus shoved the notice into a drawer with the rest. The door creaked open, and he found a smile for Harry.
Title: Pressure Cooker
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters: Snape, Tonks
Challenge: Pressure
A/N: Toward the end of Tonks's Potions NEWT
"What," Snape asked, his voice dangerously low, "is that?"
"Pressure cooker," Tonks said. "It was my Granny's."
"Why is it in my classroom?"
Tonks shrugged, having long ago got over her fear of Snape's tempers. "We were talking about Disappearing Dust. You said it had to be a myth because that much brewing blanches the hellebore. The pressure cooker will cook it faster and keep the steam on it. I thought I'd try it."
Snape curled his lip at the sight of a Muggle contraption in his dungeon, but waved a hand and said, "Very well. Get on with it."
Title: The Last
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters: James
Challenge: Pressure
James stood in the entrance hall, the portraits all chattering eagerly down at him.
"Be sure to study your Transfiguration," his great-uncle told him, while his great-great grandmother demurred that it would have to be Charms; the Potters were known for Charms, and James was, after all, The Last of the Line. Grandmother Vega insisted that he find trouble to get into. Uncle Elliot huffed about history.
Something honked outside. He looked to see his parents and Auntie Luisa waiting in the car. James slid out of the house, trying not to hear their voices hectoring him from the past.