Carve Your Name || Into My Arm

Jul 13, 2004 13:30

Title: Carve Your Name
House: Gryffindor
Challenge: Harryfree classes
Characters/ pairings: Remus, mentions of Luna Lovegood and Lily and James Potter
Words: 100
Author’s note: Oddly enough, inspired by my English teacher who, while distributing copies of The Picture of Dorian Gray to my class, opened one of the books, looked at the names written in it, pulled a “........” kind of face and said that he went to school with one of those people. I kind of ran away with this idea.

Bones. Fletcher. Rastrick. Gudgeon.

Remus smiles sadly, staring at the list of names carved into the desk. So many are familiar. He actually remembers watching bored classmates carving their names into desktops, many times.

He resumes his pacing, waiting for his small group of Ravenclaw second years to hand in their homework. What he sees carved into the next desk makes his heart stop.

James + Lily

He’d never forgotten that handwriting. Remus can’t tear his eyes away from the desk.

The girl sitting there looks up, worriedly.

“Is something the matter, Professor?”

He quickly turns his face away.

“No, Luna.”

Title: Into My Arm
Words: 100
House: Gryffindor
Challenge: Classes without Harry
Characters/ pairings: Remus (there’s supposed to be implied Remus/ Sirius but, aheh, word limit.)
Author’s note: Written because when I sat down to find a title for Carve Your Name, the only phrase that popped into my head was “carve your name/ into my arm” (Placebo, Every Me Every You). I was typing that when this little voice inside my head squealed that no, I should save that title for a Remus/Sirius drabble. So I decided to write another drabble and split the title up so the two drabbles could share. (It was late. I was tired. Seemed a perfectly logical thing to do then.)

The past is done; he has no right to drag up old souvenirs and wallow in self pity. Pity will do him no good.

Yet Remus feels as if his memories are dragging him backwards to a place where betrayal is still fresh. Returning to Hogwarts was the first step. Now he can’t stop finding tokens from his own youth.

He knows this is wrong, pointless.

It doesn’t matter. He opens the panel in the back of the class and stares at the initials engraved there, while his Gryffindor seventh- years filter into the room. He hopes they don’t notice.
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