Please use the template below to leave your prompts; they can be anything, as long as they involve weather of any kind!
There are only two rules:
- 10 Prompts/User
- No Chan (Sexual content relating to a character that is underage)
Prompt:Suggested Character(s)/Pairings:Any optional extras: - Your prompt can be anything you like; song lyrics, quotes, plot bunnies you'd like to share and give away - any genre, any pairing, any kind of weather situation that pops into your mind works (with the only exception of chan not being allowed in our fest).
- The optional extras section is here for you to drop any other kind of information that you think is important; characters and/or scenarios you would not like to see at all, squicks or - quite the opposite - your preferred characters, scenarios or kinks.
- You do not have to claim a prompt in order to post one. Everyone is free to prompt!
- Just a reminder that the prompts are going to be served as guidelines and the Author/Artist is free to do whatever they choose to with it.
- Prompts will not be screened, so feel free to already start browsing through the comments and drop a note on those that you enjoy in particular! Prompting closes on
April 15th.
If you have any questions or concerns, please EMAIL THEM to