Apr 20, 2004 09:21

I'm bored....and should be doing econ... WOW, ME TOO

1. Kissed your cousin: No...well, my little cousins (entirly nonsexual, you gutterminded people)
2. Ran away: Don't think so, I was an obedient child
3. Pictured your crush naked: maybe?
4. Actually seen your crush naked: no
5. Broken someone's heart: yes...unfortunately, and not on purpose
6. Been in love: No
7. Cried when someone died: yes
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes
9. Broken a bone: finger
10. Drank alcohol: No, even when my dad almost forced wine on me because "it was SO good and didn't taste like vinegar even tho it smelled like it"
11. Lied: yes
12. Cried in school: Yeah...definitly...i'm emotional

13. coke or pepsi: Coke
14. sprite or 7up: Sprite
15. girls or guys: depends on what I want them for...
16. flowers or candy: flowers or candy, depends on the mood
17. scruff or clean shaven: clean shaven, please, the guy has to be REALLY hot to pull of scruffy
18. quiet or loud: both
19. blondes or brunettes: brunnetes
20. tall or short: taller than me, which can be pretty short
21. jeans or shorts: Jeans, I HATE shorts, they never stay where I want them

22. what do you notice first: Hair
23. worst question to ask: Will you sleep with me? ~Sigh~ true Erin

24. showered: last night
25. kissed someone: No comment...
26. had a great time with the opposite sex: All the time b/c I have good guy friends

?? WHAT IS ??
27. good luck charm: I don't have one
28. person you hate the most: Kim Jong Il, ERIN IS A TERRIBLE PERSON
29. best thing that has happened to you today: Filling out this quiz

46. sit by the phone waiting for a call all night: Maybe I have, but I wouldn't be proud of it. Shame on me.
47. save Aol convos: sometimes, the laptop saves them auto... that DEF. came in handy a few times
48. save e-mails: yes
49. wish you were some one else: Once in a while...I like my life though, it would be interesting tho
50. wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Yes, once a month

?? BEST ??
51. cologne: Um? something that smells good? I guess curves and Abercrombie are nice
52. Perfume: American Eagle.. the old kind... feel or something
53. kiss: Um... yeah, no comment
54. romantic memory: don't have one, I'm the most non-romantic person ever
55. most recent advice given to you: chill out

?? HAVE YOU ??
56. Fallen for your best friend?: no, kinda... i don't know
57. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: no
58. Been rejected?: yes
59. Been in love?: no, you already asked me that, BACK OFF
60. Been in lust?: Yeah... I'm a sinner
61. Used someone?: I hope not, but maybe subconsiously
62. Been used?: Perhaps??
63. Cheated on someone?: No
64. Been cheated on?: Never had a chance to be cheated on...
65. Been kissed?: Yes

66. You touched?: Erin
67. You talked to?: Erin
68. You hugged?: Jessica Recchia
69. You instant messaged?: Alison and Fiona
70. You kissed?: My mother goodbye. I love her.
72. You yelled at?: my mom. She loves me too.
73. You laughed with?: Erin
74. Who broke your heart?: bah (bah black sheep, HAVE YOU ANY WOOL!?)
75. Who told you they loved you that wasn't related?: a friend probably

?? DO YOU ??
76. Color your hair? yes, i am phasing it out
77. Have tattoos? No
78. Have piercing? Nope, not even my ears
79. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? No.... what is it with this quiz!?

?? W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R ?? ?
1) pierce your nose or tongue? Nose
2) be serious or be funny? Funny
3) drink whole or skim milk? Skim, but I can't drink it cuase its gross and makes me sick b/c its dairy, so only in my cereal

? ?? A R E Y O U ?? ?
4) simple or complicated? Complicated

? ??M I S C E L L A N E O U S ?? ?
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? becoming someone that I don't want to be
30) Kids or no kids? Kid. One. Adopted. Chinese. Girl. ONE.
31) Cat or dog? Dog. a little cat sized one
32) Half empty or half full? Full
33) Mustard or ketchup? Condiments are gross
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? Soft b/c i beat them up.
35) Newspaper or magazine? magazine, newspapers make me itchy
36) Sandals or sneakers? Sandals... sneakers don't exist in NW Indiana
37) Wonder or amazement? Amazement
38) Red car or white car? red, white is gross. but cherry red is gross too, that scarlet color is way awesome
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and poor
40) Singing or dancing? both...especially boys who do both (true erin)
41) Hugging or kissing? Hugging. For serious
42) Corduroy or plain? Corduroy is SO FUZZY
43) Happy or sad? Happy
44) Purple or green? purple

? ??T E L L U S A B O U T Y O U ?? ?
What time is it? 2:11
Full name? Emily Marie Lawson
Nicknames: Em, slude
Pets? None
Height? 5'3 something??
Eye color? Green/blue/gray ish
Hair color? I don't know. its brownish blondish non normal
Piercing(s)? None

? ?? W H A T D O Y O U W A N T ?? ?
Where do you want to live? DC, Chicago, or not in the US
How many kids do you want? ONE ONLY ONE
What kind of job do you want? A cool one so I have the chance to heal people from funky diseases
Do you want to get married? Yes

? ?? W H I C H I S B E T T E R ?? ?
Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
2 doors or 4 (on a car): 2...but faster access for a getaway with 4
Coffee or ice cream?: Ice Cream, but white chocolate mochas rock!
Shampoo or conditioner? Conditioner, SO SOFT
Bridges or tunnels? Tunnels are SO COOL
One pillow or two? one to sleep, more to do other things

? ?? R A N D O M Q U E S T I O N S ?? ?
When was your last hospital check-in? Hrm... was at the hospital for a glucose test last year
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Doing my residency at a hospital
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Not yet
What do you do most often when you are bored? Internet
Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you? Jessica Ing in Berkeley, but soon it will be Sarah Bult in Afghanistan
Are you open minded? I like to think so
Can you be in love with two people at the same time? IN love? Hrm, i hope not.
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