(no subject)

Jul 30, 2012 21:08


Title: Take me
Disclaimer: This fic is dedicated to my world craziest best friend yeah nad
Fandom: EXO
Pairing: TAONAD
Word count: 1,317
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tao is an angel in disguise, taking people live has always been his work everyday. But when he falls into someone whose live he has to take, all of the faith he believe shakes.

“Are you ready now?” asked a tall skinny boy with a full black suit that with his black wings spreads behind his back. “We are running out of time. You know you are not exist in their world anymore. No one can see… us” He sighed

“I completely realize that. I just want to make sure that they will be fine without me” Said a young boy with a blond hair that stood beside a bunch of people that stand cry beside a bed. And which, his body was laying down there without any movement and without any trace of soul inside of it.

The black suited guy sighed longer watching that guy trying to touch one of them but his hand cannot touch them they just went through their shoulder. “You know what luhan? This kind of things always happen and they’ll be fine in one or to years. And you’ll be always be in their heart” said the black suited heart

“I supposed you haven’t been in love before right tao?” said luhan as he turned to face tao and walking toward his side. “One day, you’ll know what it really feels to loose someone you truly care about. Maybe, in a short time” he continued with a smile

“Right. Love. That’s what make human different from us. That’s what make them weak.” Said tao as his hand reached luhan’s waist and moving his wings. “Now, we shalt go. You can’t live here anymore. This is no more your world” he said as he slowly fly toward the blue sky

“Good bye my family and my love sehun. We’ll see each other again in the other world” said luhan the last time to the people beside his soulless body before tao accelerate the speed and vanished from the hospital


“Very good Tao. Never failed bringing a soul. A little tears and a little this and that but still managed to get him. I’m impressed” said a very tall guy with a silverfish wings that spread even wider across the room beside tao’s.

“You don’t have to say that kris. It’s our duty to bring every soul to here where they can be judged and live peacefully.” Said tao with a little smile on his face as he saw kris turned and look at him.

“And you deserve to have a holiday. Not a really long time, but a week should be enough to release your stress over these years” said kris as he took out a scroll and lay it before tao “and you only have to sign this”

After Tao read the scroll in a very fast way he took out a pen that stood beside the scroll and signed them “I’ll meet you again in a week with my new assignment” said tao with a big smile to kris before he vanished from the room and transported to a park


“How long have you stand there?” Asked a girl from behind a tree before tao could even blinked and just froze at his place. “um… can you speak? Do you understand what I’m saying?” continued the girl

Tao shook his head and finally answer the question “oh. Yeah I do understand and no I just arrive a moments ago” he said as he smiles and tried to manage his clothes

“oh and by the way I’m Nadine but just call me nad. Well, I’ll always be here at 5 if you want to meet me” she said smiling as he took out his hand to tao “Tao” he shook her hands “Huang zi tao. But tao is fine”

“Your name sounds like Chinese. I really love Chinese and wushu. You know? Although I can’t do wushu” she suddenly talk a lot to tao over the hours and tao finds nad as an interesting girl. “Well, if you really love wushu that much I’ll show you some tricks tomorrow. Just be sure that you’ll be here” He said

“really really thank you. And see you tomorrow. My parents will be looking for me by now. Bye tao!” she said as she waved her hand towards tao before she ran to the opposite direction. Unconsciously tao waved back at her before he realized what he did


Over the weeks, tao and nad grows nears together. And tao feels that nad has changed him and for the first time he feels that changes aren’t that bad and he feels that he has been attached to her. But today is different than the other day, nad didn’t show up at the park like she always been. And tao, was called by kris for his new assignment

“Welcome back tao. I hope that your holiday’s great but now you have to take your new assignment” said kris gracefully as always as tao came with his all-black suit and spreading black wings on his back “Here, I hope you’ll be successful like you always do” kris handed out a piece of paper to tao

Tao took the paper and vanished from the room without saying anything like he always be when he took an assignment. But this is different, he felt something is not right but he cannot say anything. Angels are supposed to take people souls without compromise

When tao reached the hospital room, he couldn’t believe what he’s seeing now. Nadine’s souls sitting in front of the window staring at her own soulless body that was lying on the bed. “na… nad…” his voice trembles so bad because of the shock.

Nad pull up her face and stared at Tao. There is not a single trace of sadness nor a regret on her eyes. Slowly she smiled at tao. “Hai tao” she said smooth as the cool breeze in the summer

“How nad… how could you… Why are you… dead?” Asked tao as he walked toward nad still in a disbelieve on what he see. “so, you are the angels that are going to take me to the judgment hall?” asked nad

“Please nad. Tell me why” tao blinked his eyes for the first time after he arrived at the hospital room. “it’s easy tao. Long before I met you I already fell sick. You are an angel can’t you see it through my eyes?” she said

“I won’t take you. No i… I can’t” Tao said sadly. His eyes are weary in the verge of tearing. “You have to Tao. You know the consequences are not easy at all” nad said. “But how did you know so much about me and the judgment hall?” tao asked trying his best not to scream

Nadine stare at her soulless body again. “because of kris” she said so sofly. “Excuse me?” Tao asked in shock AGAIN. “It’s kris okay. He is my elder brother and he visits me often even though he… is already dead” she argued. “Kris is your… that can’t be true” Tao shook his head

“That is the truth huang zi tao. Now you have to take me to the judgment hall” nad insisted. “But you don’t know what will happen there. I… I might loose you forever. I can’t do that” Tao stared at the floor shaking his head harder that before.

Nad walked toward tao’s direction. She touch his cheeks and pull him closer to her so that their eyes met with each other. “we have to try tao” tao touch nad’s hand with atears falling from his cheeks the vanished together to the hall of judgment.


nadin, exo, tao, nadtao

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