Title: Laundry Day [1/?]
howXiXdisappearPairing: Bert McCracken/Quinn Allman
Rating: PG-13
Summary: To say the least, your first kiss was anticlimactic, and it tasted like ass.
Disclaimer: This is completely true. No, honestly. It is.
Warnings: Naked Quinn. The worst kiss imaginable. Powerpuff Girls.
Author's Note: Remember how I said that I was done
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I mean...please.
I saw The Used last night...
Quinn looks so old...
And Bert looks like an old little kid. And Jeph just looked depressed. And Dan...I couldn't even see his face, he has soo much hair.
But I like this<3333
Do you like, live around Albany?
But naw, I live all the way over in Buffalo, sadly.
So what did you think of the new Chiodos singer?
And I liked him! But I have a friend who is a diehard of Craig so I might have to go with the original always being the best. Even if new guy is cute.
Aww, poor Quinn. He's apparently sick though, and probably worn out from touring and shit... and, yknow. From being... old.
Was the show still good? I'm going to see them on Sunday...for the first time, despite me being a fan since I was 13. -facepalm-
I mean, I'm not the hugest Used fan, but they were pretty good. Good at getting the crowd going.
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