If he'd just waited a month and a week...

Feb 06, 2007 09:33

...it would have been an amusing anniversarial coincidence.  As it is, not much was remotely laughable until Logan unexpectedly gave the doctor examining his laceration a thumb's up.  Well, and admittedly the shameless comedy/flirtation act he did with the physician's assistant and nurse.  A bit precocious for a 3.5 year old (I've learned a lot can change in half a year, though...)

I'd call the coincidences of being assigned the exact same examining room in the ER as the last time he needed stitches - in the exact same place on his eyebrow as he needed nearly a year ago - wry, rather than amusing.  Cosmic irony.  Also, the cute physician's assistant was the same one who stapled his head a few months back.  Oh, did I forget to journal that one?  While diving after his eldest bro's leg, he missed and hit the edge of some rather ornamental baseboard.  Which convoluted edge made his wound look like something BIT his scalp.  Maybe that's why the P.A. remembered we have a dog named Zeke.  For awhile there I was impressed with her memory skills.  She's not bad with a staple gun and sutures, either.

Sigh.  Three times in a YEAR.  Three children and twelve years of parenting with nary a single stitch (though there WERE a couple of close calls - J fell one time and hit the wooden arm of the mission-style rocker so hard his tooth punched through just below his lower lip.  Oy.) and now three ER visits in less than a year.  For the same child.  And while we're in the waiting room, the scamper tried to run around and slide across the slick tile floor in the waiting room - causing one grandmotherly type to laughingly exclaim it was no wonder he was there, with that much energy.  Well, at least someone was laughing.  Sheesh.

I will say this - the tough little guy only cried for about three seconds when it happened.  Not at all pleased with being poked and sewn, but getting him talking took his mind off of it.  I was grateful they let me be the one to hold his arms and legs still.

Also, it appears that it takes one to two years for a laceration to heal completely.  In case anyone was interested in details, he slipped on the last stair coming down them and knocked his eyebrow bone hard enough against the end newel-post to reopen his old cut.  Evidently the epidermis along an old laceration is weaker...and eyebrow ridges are statistically the site most stitched in ER's.

You learn something new every day.  I wouldn't have minded not learning so much yesterday.  I think we'll stay home from pre-school today and cuddle up to read a lot of books together instead when he wakes up.  Good medicine for both of us.
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