Sep 07, 2004 21:30
Well I pretty much sat around all day not doing much. I went and picked up my paintball gun and after working on it for about a minute I was able to fix it. WHile the guy at my local paintball store said it would cost me $30 for the labor plus parts. Looks like I should go into the paintball repair buisness. All well its all fixed just need to find people to go play with. Then after all of that I got called to work and said yes. So I went in and well Angela wasnt working, so I guess she got off. She must have ether been busy or just didnt want to hang out with me, cuase i told her to call me if she was free and wanted to hang out. All well I guess I will find out some other time about all of that shit. But now I am at home just looking at my paintball gun. I really want to go play, I will have to try and get people to go play so I can have fun shooting them. Well I guess I didnt have much to say tonight so I talk to yall later.