1:10 am, laptop in bed, live action broadcast update on what the fuck i'm actually doing with my life these days.
well, since i've had this sudden urge to inform the internet of precisely that, i guess it's nothing important, ey? well, we can't all be important all the time. let's get to it then!
we can start wíth what i did today. i spent most of the day cleaning up around the apartment, before i picked my little brother at school and left for class. every tuesday i study japanese for about two hours at a university downtown, and i'm paying a buttload of money for it. even though it's just one class per week the class demands a lot of time and effort, totalling to somewhere around 8 hours per week.lnd i can't say i don't enjoy it, it's nice to have something to do. anyway, after class i popped in at my friend axel's and we had dinner and watched house m.d. and some other swedish program about apes.
i guess today was a pretty good example of an average day in my life these days. i still don't have a fucking job, urgh. it's starting to bug the crap out of me, but i just can't find one that will give me enough hours, good pay, etc etc. i keep looking every week though, hoping i will find something and find it SOON. fingers crossed.
other things that keep me occupied these days are the same old same old (comic books, reading, videogames, movies etc) but also some (fairly new) additions like boyfriend, writing my book, and random fiddling on "projects" i come up with to keep myself occupied.
.. and it feels somewhat sad, but honestly i don't know if there's that much more to my life right now. wow. no wonder i feel uninspired. other than that i guess it's worth mentioning that my best friend and love fredrik has moved to asia for an undecided amount of time. this breaks my heart and hurts my brain. but i hope he's having the best time ever, and i'm trying to not feel like he abandoned me here all alooooneeeee. hah.
well, that was all, i guess.
over and out.