Dec 15, 2002 18:39
Deleting an account is fairly simple, you go to the modify journal page and select deactivated from the bottom.
What this does is make all the entries, comments in those entries, and userinfo no longer viewable.
What it doesn't do is delete that information or comments in other journals or posts in communities. If a user wants either of these things done, they must do it manually.
Purging happens at irregular intervals. No journal deleted for less than 30 days will be purged, but when a journal will be purged beyond that is not guessable. Purging deletes the contents of the journal, the userinfo, and the userpics. It still does not delete comments and posts in other journals.
Once a journal is both deleted and purged, it can be renamed into, but the username can still not be used to create a new journal. A purged journal has a blank password. This means no one can log into it, but anyone can rename into it. This will show up every now and then with requests from someone claiming that the password retrieval system isn't working for them. If they say they received no password, then check that the journal may be purged. This is not the only possible cause of problems, however, just one such cause. A totally blank email could be a UTF encoding problem, for example.