Jul 30, 2005 14:59
Ayo: Before anyone tries to read
this just because it's on their
friends page; you might not under-
stand what this's about. If you're
not interested...scroll on, don't
waste your day. Peace,love,& easy livin,
So, for what seems like the past 5 years, I've kept to myself. Stayed secluded and isolated from all the many acquaintances that I called friends. I abandoned and rejected the idea of putting effort into friendships that I'd already established. Although there were some days when this idea tore me to pieces, and I hated the thought of throwing away my precious time on people or actions that I did not feel were worth it... I learned so much about myself and so much about the way I think. I learned about others too. I saw the way they react in different situations, and I saw their response when suddenly in a scenario that they'd have never expected to be in. I saw people who knew more about tragedy, and who understood death more than any doctor or any priest ever could. I did a lot and I did not come out of this unscathed. I'll still remember, almost hauntingly, what it took to learn the things that I did. I'll still remember my weaknesses and that there is so much I'm not strong enough to beat on my own. I'll remember, that during this time I was not always in control. I got lost more than once, but now I'm just sure that I know my way around this place better than most. I've seen what it is to really live, and I've seen what it takes to make the underground spin. I understand what it is to long for something so bad that you shake. I also sadly understand what it is to survive. Life is such a beautiful thing, and even with all I've learned, I feel like I've lost so much of it. Every second that you can see something, you should savor it, and savor the fact that the sun will never hit that particular object in the way that makes it beautiful at that second. I understand this now. I've got stories that I'll never forget and some I'll never remember. There's stories that I'll laugh about with friends, and stories I can never tell. Things I see are just the way as they were before, but this time I know what I'm looking at. I lost many friends and gained a few. I found out about Angels and Demons the hard way and it's more then I can express. I love everyone who still speaks to me, and I love the ones who don't even more. They taught me the most. A few days ago I reached this contentment. I understood how things had to be. I understood that there are no answers, so a search for them only leads to confusion. With that revelation I learned that more you depend on help, the more you lose the ability to help yourself. Drugs aren't the way most think they are, and they'll never give you answers when you want them. When they do, they're usually the wrong answers. This is precisely why now is the time. I was given a beautiful opportunity that I cannot pass up, and now I'm out. Free with nothing, but love, knowledge, and a smile. You cannot buy a feeling like this. For all who don't understand, enjoy the innocence that you only get once. For all those who want to know; ask. For all those who already understand. Holla.
I've gained two brothers. Giving me a grand total of 4. This is what it's all about. Peace everybody. I'll see you around.