Customizing nav strip colors

Jul 15, 2006 09:53

I'm doing this as a joint S1/S2 draft, but will be posting it separately to howto/s2howto, with the appropriate information taken out for each. Suggestions/etc welcome.

[all] Customizing the Navigation Strip

The settings for the Navigation Strip allow you to choose dark grey (with light text), or light grey (with dark text). However, these options don't always match the journal's style. Luckily, it's possible to use CSS to change the background and text color for the navigation strip.

There are four elements that are easily customizable: the background to the strip, which can be made transparent or, optionally, given a background color; the text color; the link color; and the border between the elements. Users who are familiar with CSS can also make additional customizations as desired.

S2 // function Page::print_custom_head() { """

S2 // """; }

Change #FFFFFF to the color code for the background color you want; if you want it to be transparent, so that the background color and image for the page will show through, leave that entire line off. Change #000000 to the color code you want for the text; change #0000FF to the color code you want for links. For the border, change 1px to the desired width, solid to the desired border style, and #888888 to the desired color code.

You can use the Color Hexadecimal Codes Chart to find the hexadecimal color code for your desired colors.

If you are already using a print_custom_head() function // GLOBAL_HEAD override, you will need to merge this code with your existing code.

Additional References:
  • [S2] Merging print_custom_head functions
  • [S2] Creating and using a theme layer
  • [S1] Merging GLOBAL_HEAD overrides

  • Contributed by isabeau.

    [free], @ status-resolved, [s2], [all layouts], [s1]
