Paid Accounts OnlyThis requires the creation of a custom style, which requires a paid, permanent, or early adopter account. If you are a free user, please see
FAQ #131: What are the paid account benefits? and
FAQ #21: What's a paid account? How do I get one?
The labels for an entry's "current mood" and "current music" are controlled within the LASTN_CURRENT variable (or FRIENDS_CURRENT, or DAY_CURRENT; this tutorial assumes you are customizing your LASTN view, but the same instructions will work for your FRIENDS or DAY view). Since the LASTN_CURRENT variable cannot be overridden, changing these labels requires a custom style. If you do not already have a custom style, you will need to create one; you can find instructions for this in
FAQ #128: How do I make a custom style? Once you have created a custom style, you will need to edit the LASTN_CURRENT variable. Look for the section of code in this variable that labels the current mood/or music; if your style is based on a system style, then the label will probably look something like "Current %%what%%:"; though it might not include the word "current" or the colon ':', and it might use "%%lc:what%%" instead of "%%what%%" (where "lc:" is the lower-case transform, which here converts "Mood" to "mood" and "Music" to "music").
Once you have found the label, replace it with "I'm feelingI'm listening to"; where you can change "I'm feeling" and "I'm listening to" (the labels for current mood and current music, respectively) to whatever you would like.
Next, you will have to add a bit of CSS to your LASTN_PAGE variable. What you should do is find the code "" in your LASTN_PAGE variable and replace it with the following code:
If you never use the current mood and current music fields, you could even go so far as to label your current mood "current weather" and your current music "current book" and use them as such. However, note that the system will still treat them as your current mood and current music, and present them as such on comments pages and your friends' friends pages.
Variable References:
FAQ #128: How do I make a custom style?
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