(no subject)

Oct 29, 2006 13:17

Oh my gosh - high for tomorrow - 66 degrees! It hasn't broken 55 in recent memory. And it's supposed to be sunny!!!!

This is very good news. Maybe we can have class outside.

What an odd weekend this has been. I've actually been getting to the gym, which has been AMAZING. I love endorphins and sore muscles. Last night I was going to see You, Me and Dupree on campus, but instead I went out for pizza with Jennie, Rachel, Camille, etc. Jennie's been having some boyfriend issues, so after a few glasses of wine...she got rather upset. So I just ended up reading in our room trying to make sure she was OK, although it was one of those what-can-you-do situations.

I've been spending way too much time in our room, so I decided to take my laptop and some work and camp out at one of the student study lounges, but it was reserved for some lame retreat, so I moved the plans to Reckers, a food/lounge place instead.

I still need to change all my clocks.

Oh, and can I just say how LAME that Grey's Anatomy was not new this week with no warning. At least LOST was good. I hope Desperate Housewives is new tonight...
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