(no subject)

Jul 22, 2010 05:06

Maybe all along, it was they who were trying to catch up to where you already were? The structure you were holding. Go to sleep on that and dream the beautiful dreams. The future is a lover and a saviour and a friend. I am the night, my colors are all black. It is good, perhaps, to view and allow yourself to be viewed by love and great admiration once in awhile. Like giving into love. Like giving in to devotion. The wanton desire to devote oneself to another person is not something easily hidden. I might make a comparison to sneaking candy into a movie theater to avoid having to pay exhorbant prices on concessions* without wearing baggy clothes, thus making it obvious to the ushers and ticket-takers that you are in fact hiding something. But that might somehow "cheapen" the concept to some and I really want to do that right now. You understand, right?

You know what I really like? Fragments of songs. Being in a relaxed, peaceful place and letting the knowledge that you have about music course through you, nourishing every etheric part of you. The bits you remember, the chorus, the controversial third stanza, the drum fill. All these different parts of your brain and how they come and go rapidly. Like you catch a ride on a shooting star, hop off, and then hitch a ride on another. Or some like to see it as climbing up the twisted DNA double helix to fill in missing fragments which needed to call in sick that day. OR, you might just be climbing up the spiral ladder to fill in for certain subgroups or parts of a certain subgroup. I can't recount them all. There are so many. The beauty in the complexity of life is astounding and humbling at the same time. Much love.

*which, by the way, is how they make most of their money. So yeah. Support the arts, man!

Mmmmm...time for a bagel...
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