Nov 21, 2011 10:57
Backtagging: Always!
Threadhopping: Ask first if it's a serious conversation, and please wait for my character to react, don't threadhop and then keep going.
Injuring my character: Minor injuries are fine, please ask for anything serious!
Killing my character: I'm up for a death plot at some point, but let's talk about it!
Using telepathy on my character: ... I can't imagine why you would want to, but sure! You'd likely get a lot of derpiness and mental rambling about Nezumi's pretty eyes.
Things you'd like to explore: Shion comes equipped with a romantic plot in progress, basically, but I don't mind crushes/flirting with him. As far as sex goes, I do want to explore him learning and trying it!
Things you do not want/are not comfortable with: Not into waste products? Nothing where consent would be in question.
Anything in between that you feel needs mentioning: Shion will likely be asking a lot of questions, so I do expect him to encounter some things that aren't exactly vanilla. I'm cool with him encountering any kind of kink, as long as it doesn't come with pressure.
Feelings on fade to black: It's not my favorite, but it works!