Holy cow, a lot has happened!!!
Day Two - RACHEL IS HERE!!!!! OMG!
Goodness, what the hell did we do? It's been days!
I recall us all being very tired from sledding the first full day. Kind of hung out, went to Grandma Gerry's and played Apples to Apples before going home and watching Ellen, War of the Worlds, and Lost. :D I was SO tired from having stayed up til 3am, talking to Trey, but that evening, Trey and I were up late again - actually, we all were. Kaisa had had a 'strange phone call' from some girl, then later again another call from some guy, as mom said, from out at the lodge. They were all in Eagle River so Kaisa was going to go hang out with them even though it was snowing like crazy and we had a whole new foot of snow out there.
So, Kais was gone and Kate was messing around on the computer I think and Trey and I were looking at SiP stuffs. It was around midnight and I heard Kaisa come home. There was a knock on my window so I looked up. I saw this dual-bobble hat -- it was
pekinjay/Rachel. I looked and thought, "oh, it's Rachel"... then shock, it dawned on me, RACHEL -- as in, previously was in Denver, Colorado whom I haven't seen in over a year and a half! I was out of that room faster than you can say BOO. :D
I can't BELIEVE my family and friends were able to keep this a secret for so long! And I fell for all their lies, even when my mom messed up, she would cover and I totally didn't think anything of it. And that 'strange girl' on the phone WAS Rachel, lol! I'd even answered it and had no clue. wow. So that's my Christmas present from Trey 'cause she helped get Rachel up here. :D
Thanksgiving - Day Three
We all went out to our Grandma Laura's to have Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family. My immediate family on my dad's side is much smaller than my mom's side, but our extended family relates us to half the country side (luckily, they weren't all there). It was Grandma, Pop, Sharon, Aunt PeterAnn, Kaisa and I for actual family, then Deoborah and Murray (family friends), then Trey, Kate, and Rachel. Dinner was good - after dinner, Sharon took Kate, Trey and Rachel out to the new stables to ride Harley, Sharon's horse. Meanwhile, Kais and I were very sleepy and bored and took mini naps before dessert where some more family arrived. We eventually got involved in a strange game of Mexican Train involving two sets of dominoes - one double 15 set and one double 12 set. CRaZy! And a bit after that, the girls got back, so they had some dessert and we all left.
Day Four - yesterday
We went up to Pop's to go sledding. We got another foot and a half of snow on Thanksgiving so now there was proper snow for sledding. Pop then got out the snowmachines and we rode around the field for the rest of the afternoon. I showed Kate how to ride and so she and I each operated a machine and would off and on give Trey and Rachel rides. We have Ski-Doo Summits. I don't know the engine CCs for either of them, but the orange one is much faster and lighter, but harder to ride with another person on it. The black one is slower and heavier but smoother to ride. I think Kate has found a new hobby. ;)
I was so tired I went to bed around 8pm. I woke up very hot around midnight and couldn't fall back asleep so I took some Tylenol PM and read a little before finally falling asleep again. Today looks very cold out - we're slowly dropping in temperature and it is supposed to get below zero by Tuesday. I'm SO sore in my shoulders from riding yesterday - i'ts VERY hard to steer from a sitting position with another rider because you're steering mostly with just your arms rather than being able to use your entire body. argh! No bowling for me today. ;)
Rachel is only going to be here til early Wednesday morning. I have to work Monday and Tuesday for a deadline, unfortunately. Hopefully I can get it done fast on Monday (hopefully) so I can spend more time with her before she has to go.
In other news --
hallalundi -- I got your box Wednesday! Holy cow, that's a lot of stuff, and wow! I really hope they translate the 3rd and 4th volumes of MariMite soon - they're really well drawn; I don't wanna pass them on. :P And SiP! You didn't have to! I'm going to have to build another wall in my room to hang them on. :D wow wow wow... now if I can only force my friends to watch some anermay... :D Thank you!