Kill Me Softly

Oct 23, 2011 01:29

Genre: Supernatural, angsty, very mild gore, seriously AU
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Yoosu, little bit of OT5
Summary: My name is Death and the end is here...
A/N: Written for the yoosu_yongwonhi halloween contest. Please vote for me if you like it! :D

Junsu remembers the pain of it. How could he not? Having a chunk of your flesh ripped out by rabid human teeth hurts pretty damn bad.

They’d been creeping down the corridor, trying to get to the storage room where they could hole up hopefully long enough for somebody with a fucking clue to arrive and help them. Junsu had been in front. He’d leaned around a corner to check if it was clear when she’d jumped up, gripping his forearm and digging into it with her black, rotting teeth. He’d knocked her off, but it was already too late. Skin was broken and oozing blood.

He’d counted sixty seven seconds in his head as he felt the infection spread from the gaping wound in his arm to the rest of his arm.

“Shit.” Yoochun is staring at him. The expression on his face is what brings Junsu out of his sixty seven seconds and into the present of fuckfucknothatdidnotjusthappenNO. Yoochun’s eyes are wide and his pupils are blown open so far that Junsu half imagines he can see the blue glint of retina.

Maybe that’s the zombie talking.

Junsu jumps when he hears the loud BANG, shocking in the post-disaster silence. He looks over to see gray smoke furling out of Changmin’s 45 and the zombie that just bit him lying on the floor, now dead in a very official way.

He wishes he could feel more vindicated.

“Junsu.” Jaejoong’s voice is tense and quiet. Junsu doesn’t look at him; just looks at the blood dripping down his arm- red purple against white. It doesn’t hurt. He’s probably in shock.

“Junsu! Fuck, Junsu.” Yoochun grabs his arm- his other arm- but he can’t look away from the wound. Or maybe he can’t look at Yoochun. Flesh over muscle over bone. Who will he eat first? Who will be stupid enough to let him?

Yoochun grabs his chin (dangerously close to his mouth. Junsu resists sticking his tongue-) and pulls his face up. He can see them now: Yoochun right in front, Jaejoong a step behind, then Changmin and Yunho. There’s fear on all of their faces, lips pulled tight. Changmin still has his gun pointed at the zombie.

Junsu tries to laugh, but his voice cracks and he just settle for a smile that pulls his cheeks up painfully. Not as painful as his arm. But, it’s probably more of a grimace because Yoochun is frowning, shaking his head. Junsu can see the denial in his eyes.

“We have to get to the storage room.” Yoochun says. He walks past Junsu, pulling him along, but Junsu doesn’t move. Yoochun looks back and Junsu feels the first stirrings of panic rise in him.

Yoochun’s face is dead-white. His lips are trembling. His hands are too; Junsu can feel them. Yoochun’s whole body is practically vibrating with terror and Junsu suddenly realizes that he is so completely, irreversibly fucked.

“Yoochun-“ it comes out as a gasp. “Yoochun, no. I- I can’t-“ He tries to pull away and almost backs into Yunho. He turns, stepping away and keeping all of them in sight, keeping himself in all of their sights.

The choked sound that Yoochun lets out hurts Junsu even more than the bite did. He takes another step back. “You know I can’t. It’s only a matter of time before I turn into… into one of them.” He glances at the zombie. There’s a trail of black ooze trickling out of the hole in her head.

“No!” Yoochun is shaking is his violently now. “Goddamnit, Junsu we’re not going to leave you.” The others nod in agreement.

“Hyung,” Changmin whispers, just loud enough for them all to hear. “You’re coming with us, no matter what.

They’re all standing there and suddenly Junsu can see them all as skeletons, eye sockets gaping, rotted flesh hanging off their bones. He feels sick.

He blinks and then Junsu can see Yoochun- normal and alive- reaching for him. He feels a hand close over his wrist. Junsu knows he could break it, rip the joint out of the socket and hear the snap. Suck out the marrow and-

Junsu tries to jerk away, but he’s being pulled down the hallway. Swish swish of footsteps before and behind him. Yunho’s hand is on his shoulder. He can smell it: a cologne that was put on that morning before everything went to shit.

The lights blur together for a second and his heartbeat slows, an occasional thud in his ears. The skin around the bite is turning purple. Junsu feels himself pitching forward, but then there’s an arm around his waist and he’s being half-dragged down the hallway now. He starts counting again.

Forty nine seconds later they reach a door. Changmin puts his ear against it and everything is still for a second. The arm around his waist is warm.

It must have been deemed safe because Changmin kicks open the door and Junsu is pulled inside. It smells like dust and cleaning supplies. The door closes and Junsu almost panics in the pitch-darkness; they need to see-

Something clicks and a light bulb hanging from the ceiling illuminates the room. Shelves line three of the walls, filled with buckets and spray bottles and Junsu really couldn’t care what else. There’s just enough room for all five of them to sit comfortably. Not enough room to run from him.

He’s pulled to the ground and someone is cupping his face. He blinks and Yoochun comes into focus. Junsu notices that he still has his colored contacts in, making his irises a bright blue. He puts a hand to Junsu’s forehead. “You’re feverish.” He says. His lips are pulled tight at the corners, white around the edges from the pressure.

Junsu wants to laugh. He feels so fucking cold. He swallows, loud and hard. “I guess zombie viruses don’t play around.”

Yoochun half-smiles and pulls him backwards so Junsu’s practically sitting in his lap, back to chest. The places their skin touches are the only places that feel warm. Maybe that’s why zombies eat humans, Junsu thinks. They just want to feel warm.

Someone snaps their fingers in front of Junsu’s face and he jerks up. It’s Yunho, kneeling in front of him. His face is pale, but Junsu can see the blood pumping in his jugular. He wonders how it would feel, flowing hot down his-

“Yunho, what are we going to do? He’s already starting to…” Yoochun squeezes him tight and the second of heat brings Junsu back. He shakes his head and looks around at all of them, squeezed into a closet of all places with actual honest-to-God zombies running around outside. And soon, he thinks bitterly, inside.

“You should probably kick me out.” Junsu says. Jaejoong opens his mouth like he’s about to refuse, but Junsu shakes his head, stopping him. “Hyung, you have to. You can see it, right? I’m already-“ he swallows, looks at his hands. They feel ice cold. “Either shoot me or put me out there. But, whatever you do, don’t let me hurt you guys.”

It’s completely silent for a moment. Junsu feels dizzy; and frustrated. With every passing moment, he can feel himself dying, getting farther and farther away from Xiah Junsu, pop star and closer and closer to Xiah Junsu, band eater.

Yoochun’s arm squeezes him tight for barely a second then lets go completely. “Ok.” He whispers, “Ok.”

It shocks Junsu for a moment. He turns to stare at Yoochun, half wanting to say You would let me go so easily?, but Yoochun’s expression says it all. Junsu knows because it’s the same feeling he has: he would rather be anything than become one of those monsters.

The next five minutes are spent trying to protest against Yoochun’s acquiescence (“Are you fucking kidding me? It’s Junsu! There has to be a way to-” “What way? The longer we wait, the harder it’s going to be. There is no cure. Would you have him turn into one of those goddamn things?!”)

Junsu curls into himself. He’s shivering almost violently now, but his body temperature seems to drop every second. Yoochun notices when his teeth start chattering and lays a hand on Junsu’s shoulder. It’s like a mini sun on his frigid body and Junsu leans into it desperately.

Junsu has stopped paying attention to the argument when Changmin comes to sit next to him. “Does it hurt?” he asks softly. Junsu looks down at the bite on his arm. The skin around it is tinged green and the surrounding veins have turned black, looking like dozens of spider webs under his skin. The throbbing has stopped, only to be replaced by a heavy numbness.

He sighs and looks back up at Changmin. He can see the younger trying to hide the fear in his eyes. “Physically, no. Emotionally… emotionally, yeah.” He makes a point not to look at Yoochun when he says this, instead staring straight into his dongsaeng’s eyes.

Changmin stares straight back. There’s a moment of hesitance and then Junsu can see him gathering himself, placing walls around his emotions.

“You want to die don’t you? You want one of us to shoot you?”

Junsu says nothing, but he knows that Changmin understands.

It’s simple, really: die a human or exist as a monster. He can already feel a hunger building in his stomach, something insatiable, dark, and dangerous, and something that pushes him to rip and tear and kill.

Suddenly, he feels the infection again, wrapping torturous claws around his heart. He doubles over in pain. Shitshitshit. He groans and hears the others’ voices as if their miles away. It’s agony, like his body is melted from the inside, yet he’s still freezing cold. There’s a roaring in his ears and Junsu has a moment to think, this is it, I’m dying before everything goes black.


Yoochun stares at Junsu’s body, twitching violently on the floor. His eyes have rolled back in his head and a line of drool is trailing out of the corner of his mouth. He’s not making any noise, but his mouth is open in a silent scream. Then, as quick as it started, he falls completely still, limbs at uncomfortable angles with his body.

Jaejoong, Yunho, and Changmin are all leaning over his body. Jaejoong keeps shaking him and calling his name while Yunho and Changmin just sit back, tears running down their cheeks.

Yoochun doesn’t know what to do so he just stands there, looking down at Junsu. He knows they only have a few minutes before it’s not Junsu anymore, just a hellish thing in Junsu’s body, but the very thought of aiming his gun and pulling the trigger, seeing the bullet hole in Junsu’s skull… He gags.

Something touches his arm and Yoochun flinches, stumbling back and nearly falling into a shelf. He looks down, irrational fear bubbling up in his throat, but it’s just Changmin.

The message in Changmin’s eyes is obvious, but Yoochun just shakes his head. Having to hear it out loud would be too final, too painful.

Yoochun slowly takes his gun out of his jeans. He forces his throat to work, pushing out a quiet “Hyung.”

Both Yunho and Jaejoong look up, but he can’t meet their eyes, simply motions for them to move aside.

Jaejoong shakes his head and opens his mouth to speak, but is stopped by Changmin. Yoochun silently thanks him. He has to, he has to…

Junsu’s body is pale and still curled up on the floor and it’s the most terrifying fucking thing Yoochun’s ever seen. Why him? He thinks. Why him of all people why him?

Yoochun raises the gun. The corner of Junsu’s mouth starts to twitch.

Yoochun releases the safety. Junsu’s eyelids start to flutter.

Teardrop eyes open, revealing milky irises, dead and unseeing. Junsu- no the monster- starts to push itself up. Its movements are jerky and weak. Yoochun hesitates for a second.

It hisses and looks around. Behind him, Yoochun hears Jaejoong let out a tiny shriek.

Jun- It whips its head around and locks on the members. Yoochun can see its muscles tense.

It lunges.

Yoochun pulls the trigger.

halloween fic, zombie!verse, p:yoosu, fanfic

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