I'll Keep You By My Side

Jan 04, 2011 19:41

Title: I'll Keep You By My Side
Pairing: Yoosu
Rating/Genre: Ehh... G? Romance, Fluff~
Summary: If Junsu were a superhero...
A/N: Originally wrote this for my Creative Writing class, then decided my teacher really didn't need to read this... lmao 564 words

If Junsu were a superhero, he would defeat evil villains, obviously. That has to be at the top of the list, right? If you’re a superhero? Defeat all of the evil villains and keep the world (universe?) from being overrun by slimy blob-things, or mutants, or man-eating aliens. He’s seen War of the Worlds. He knows how it works.

But after all that; once his beloved Earth is out of whatever mortal peril it had been thrust into that day, he would probably keep things domestic. Help old ladies cross the street, save cats from trees (maybe take a couple home; they were just so sweet…), anything that kept him close to home.


“Junsu-yah, what are you doing?” Junsu blinks when Yoochun gives him a light tap on the forehead, abruptly coming back to the present.

“Just thinking.” He mumbles. Yoochun looks nice today: light blue button-up shirt and black dress pants fit to his skinny frame and black hair (short again, thankfully. Junsu didn’t think he could take any more of catching what looked like a girl in the corner of his eye and thinking some fan had finally managed to sneak their way in) styled in a messy-in-an-attractive-way sidesweep.

Yoochun grins and Junsu can see the teasing glint in his eye when he says, “You should be careful. Don’t wanna hurt that pretty head of yours with too much exercise.”

Junsu smiles despite himself, giving the other a half-hearted shove. “Asshole.”


On second thought, if Junsu were a superhero, he would never let his best friend cry. He’d juggle elephants to make him laugh and use his laser beams on anyone who so much as put a frown on his face.

If Junsu were a superhero, he might forget about those aliens and old ladies because he was too busy cuddled up to a certain insomniac, watching game show reruns at two in the morning.


“Junsu-yah,” Yoochun says weakly. “why are you up? You have play practice tomorrow.”

“Couldn’t sleep.” Junsu doesn’t mention getting up to go to the bathroom and hearing loud sniffles coming from the living room.

He folds himself next to Yoochun. The leather armchair their sitting in is luxuriously roomy for one person, but a tight squeeze for two. Junsu is half in Yoochun’s lap and their arms are pressed together, but neither really mind. Within minutes, they’re both asleep, head resting on head, resting on shoulder.


If Junsu were a superhero, he would still wear his normal clothes. In all honesty, his butt really didn’t need spandex. He would happily keep his jeans and T-shirts.
He would still sing or hum at random moments, more because he knew Yoochun thought it was cute than it being a habit.

If he were a superhero, Junsu would still cook for Yoochun, making sure he ate enough. He would still keep him company in the music room, staring at long fingers on black and white keys. He would still crack jokes and start tickle fights and do everything that he didn’t need superpowers to do.


“Junsu-yah~” Yoochun half-sings, burying his face in Junsu’s neck.

“Yoochun-ah~” he sings back. Junsu feels warm lips curve up in a smile against his skin.

Yoochun pulls away, but grasps Junsu’s hand in both of his. He brings it up to his lips, lightly kissing each knuckle.

“You know you’re my hero, right?”

Junsu smiles.

p:yoosu, fanfic

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