Yunho can't believe that there's fic!

Aug 31, 2010 20:23

Title: My Heart Could Bleed For You [PART 2]
Pairing: Kyumi, side!Hanchul
Rating/Genre: Pg-13; Romance, humor
Summary: Kyuhyun goes out to eat one night and ends up with a lot more than he bargained for. (geddit? geddit? ;D)

A/N: SO HEY GUYS. IT'S BEEN A WHILE, YEA? :D 9 months. *dies* It's quite a big longer than the first chapter, if that helps at all. lol This is for the wonderful sboizi. And a MILLION thanks to henmunk for being my beta and kicking my butt into finally finishing this. You are amazing! <33

Previous Parts: 1

Zhoumi looked around him with wide eyes. He took a deep breath, opening and closing his eyes. “So… so, you’re all vampires then?”

Kyuhyun tried to keep his voice soft and even when he answered, not wanting to make Zhoumi pass out again. He’d almost had a panic attack the first time. “Hangeng’s not.” He pointed to the doctor standing at the end of the couch. “But, Heechul I and are both vampires, yeah.”

Zhoumi gaped. “But- but vampires don’t exist. I mean, don’t get me wrong. True Blood is totally the most amazing show ever. And Eric can suck me dry all he wants, but this is real life. And vampires are, you know, mythical. And stuff.”

Heechul snorted. “Well, congratulations on picking the whack-a-doodle.” He gave Kyuhyun a hard pat on the shoulder. “Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to go back to the beauty sleep that was so rudely interrupted.”

An awkward silence fell over them as the vampire walked away and Kyuhyun’s eyes darted around the room, trying to find something to lessen the tension. He saw nothing and could feel a migraine coming on. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea. Maybe he should’ve just dropped Zhoumi off at a hospital. Just- what the hell was he supposed to do now? They couldn’t let him go, right? What if he told someone or-

A cough interrupted Kyuhyun’s inner-panic attack and he turned to see Hangeng staring at him with his eyebrows raised. “Kyuhyun, maybe you should go get some sleep. I can watch Zhoumi for a while.”

Kyuhyun was about to protest, but the sunlight was really starting to burn and making the pounding in his head that much worse. He figured he could use some rest.


Zhoumi watched as Kyuhyun (it felt weird to call him that after all that’d happened) walked out of the living room and towards the guest room that Hangeng had directed him to.

He tried to take a deep breath to calm down but the air just stuck in his throat. It just- nothing made sense! Twenty four hours ago he was just a normal guy trying to get by with a regular job in an all-around boring life. And now, not only had he been bitten by a (admittedly hot, but still really terrifying) vampire, but he was also sitting in one’s living room.

And the doctor guy seemed really nice and all, but he was just standing there staring at him and the tiny amount of comfort that Zhoumi still had was dissipating really quickly.

Zhoumi swallowed uncomfortably and looked at the man standing at the end of the couch (he didn’t even blink). “So…I can go home soon, right?”

The look on Hangeng’s face was almost sad, and it was that more than anything else that had happened in the last 24 hours that caused the panic to swell up in Zhoumi’s stomach.

“You can’t just keep me here!” his pitch was much higher than normal. “I have a job and friends. They’ll want to know where I am. I have to go home!”

Hangeng let out a long sigh, rubbing a hand over his face. “Look,” he said. “it’s nothing personal. But, we can’t exactly just let you go off, knowing that there’s a group of vampires living here- one of which, I’m sure you’ve realized, feeds on living people. We can’t take the risk of you mouthing off to someone, intentionally or not.”

Zhoumi stared at the IV tube still connected to his arm, crimson liquid flowing sluggishly into his veins. “They why save me? Why not just let me die?”

“I’m not the one you should be asking.”


Kyuhyun stared up at the ceiling. His body felt exhausted, but his mind was anywhere but dreamland. He knew that he had taken more blood from Zhoumi than he ever had from one of his victims, but still, the hunger for the man was like an itch that he couldn’t quite scratch.

Even now, he felt like he could hear Zhoumi’s heartbeat in the next room; practically smell the sweet, red blood flowing through his veins… blue lines just under a thin layer of soft, paper-white skin, waiting for him to sink his teeth-

“Okay!” Kyuhyun said loudly. “So not helping.” He willed his fangs to sink back into his gums, leaving a dull ache.

The vampire groaned and rolled over, burying his face into the pillow, and trying to block the empty feeling in his chest. “What the hell is wrong with me?!” Zhoumi tasted good, ok. But- but, so did hundreds of other people that he had drunk from. Why was this stupid (and endearingly gullible, but whatever), over grown bean stalk (with legs that went on for miles and were kind of sexy in a gangly sort of way) of a man any different? There was no reason for it.

But Kyuhyun knew that Zhoumi was different. Not even just his blood, but the man himself caused a feeling of- of fondness to swell up inside him. Just sitting next to him, watching him sleep, had made Kyuhyun feel content in a way he hadn’t in a long time.

Kyuhyun huffed into the pillow. Yeah, he wasn’t going to get any sleep.


When Kyuhyun finally walked back into the living room (he’d spent a good five minutes just out of sight in the hallway, trying to muster up the courage to go in, what the fuck?), the sun was nothing more than a thin, red line on the horizon and Hangeng and Heechul were sitting in a love seat across the room, talking quietly. The two looked up when he entered, but Zhoumi seemed not to notice; he was staring out the window with a blank look on his face.

Heechul gave him A Look and nodded his head to where Zhoumi was sitting. Kyuhyun paused a moment before walking over to the man. He slowly sat in the chair that had been left over from when he watched over Zhoumi the previous night and waited to be acknowledged.

Minutes passed by and Zhoumi said nothing. Kyuhyun shifted uncomfortably. Okaaaay. Apparently, he was going to have to make the first move.

“So,” he said hesitantly. “How are you feeling?”

Zhoumi’s head whipped around. Kyuhyun saw momentary panic in his eyes but a second later, it was gone. “Oh, hi.” He said, and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but compare his cool tone to the cheerful greeting he had first received in the restaurant.

He paused, trying to figure out what to say next, and heard a cough that sounded a lot like “Lame!” behind him. He turned to glare at Heechul and Hangeng, whose faces were both set into expressions of complete innocence.

Kyuhyun turned back around to see Zhoumi looking at him expectantly. “Well?” the other man said. “what are you going to do with me?”

“Oh, um, I don’t know. What- what would you like me to do?”

Zhoumi sniffed, looking out the window again. “I would like to go home. But, that seems to be out of the question.”

The sadness in Zhoumi’s face caused Kyuhyun’s heart to twist in an unpleasant way. Maybe they could- no! No, that couldn’t work. Zhoumi knew their secret now and he couldn’t be trusted. Kyuhyun had never experienced the whole villagers-chasing-you-with-pitchforks-and-flaming-torches fiasco himself, but Heechul had told him enough stories to make him understand that it was anything but a nice game of tag. Humans were fearful, fickle creatures; tell one a secret and you might as well tell the entire world.

But- but, Kyuhyun could still remember the taste of Zhoumi’s blood; could still taste the honesty and love that made up this man sitting before him. Zhoumi wasn’t a regular human, at least not to Kyuhyun. He was- he was…

He was special. He could keep their secret.

Kyuhyun grasped Zhoumi’s hand tightly. It was big and warm with a life that Kyuhyun’s own hadn’t had for a long time. “Zhoumi,” he said softly, a sincere smile on his lips. “I’ll take you home. If you promise not to tell anyone about us.”

There was a loud squawk behind him and Heechul appeared next to him a second later. “Are you fucking retarded?” he yelled. “We can’t just let him go! He’ll rat us out!”

Normally, Kyuhyun would have immediately shrunk away in fear of Heechul’s wrath. At that moment, however, he couldn’t bring himself to care. He looked straight into the older vampire’s eyes. “He won’t tell anyone, Heechul. I’ll make sure of it.”

Some of Heechul’s anger seemed to leave him, but his eyes were still narrowed. “You better hope that’s true. Because friend or not, I will fuck you up.”

Hangeng came up then, slowly circling his arms around Heechul’s waist and laying his chin on the vampire’s shoulder. He looked straight at Kyuhyun. “You’re sure?” he asked. At Kyuhyun’s nod, he looked at Heechul. “Let him do what he wants, Chul. I think he knows what he’s doing.”

Heechul closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. “Fine.” He snapped. He grabbed Hangeng’s arm. “But you’re coming with me. And, you!” he pointed at Kyuhyun. “Get your human out of my house.”

Kyuhyun just smiled and turned to Zhoumi, who had been watching them all with a half hopeful, half scared look. As Heechul and Hangeng left, he turned his gaze to Kyuhyun. For the first time that night, there was a smile on his a face.


At first, Zhoumi was reluctant to tell Kyuhyun the directions to his house, but after it was made clear that Kyuhyun wouldn’t allow him to traverse the streets in his still weakened state (something that Zhoumi found almost comical in its irony), he finally relented.

The drive was spent in a slightly awkward silence and Zhoumi was relieved in more ways that one when his building came into sight.

He quickly jumped out as soon as the car stopped. But he had to grip onto the roof of the car to keep from falling as a wave of dizziness swept over him. When Zhoumi looked up, Kyuhyun was standing right next to him, his face full of concern. “Are you ok?”

Zhoumi straightened slowly. “Yeah, just a bit anemic still…” Seeing Kyuhyun look away, biting his lip, Zhoumi quickly backtracked. “Oh! But, it’s not your fault! Er…well, it is, but it’s just you’re primal instinct or whatever so I don’t…blame your for it?” He mentally rolled his eyes at himself. Congratulations Zhoumi, you’ve officially reached an entirely new low.

He was startled by a loud sound and looked down to see Kyuhyun with his head thrown back and his mouth open in laughter. He has kind of a cute laugh for a vampire Zhoumi though absently. Except, wow, he had- he had really sharp teeth. Um.

“Well, I should probably be going to my apartment now.” Zhoumi said loudly, interrupting Kyuhyun mid-laugh. “Recovery sleep and all that.” He tried to chuckle, but it came out more forced than anything else.

Kyuhyun smiled, just a small one this time. “I’ll walk you up.”

Zhoumi tried to protest. “Oh, that’s really not necessary. It’s only on the second floor. I’m sure all the thieves and rapists have left for the night!”

Kyuhyun simply ignored him and headed for the elevator.

Zhoumi’s apartment building was obviously old but the hall was well lit and the walls were freshly painted. It had been one of the only places he’d been able to afford without having to feel like someone would break in any second and rob him. He led Kyuhyun to his door and quickly dug around for his keys, saying a silent thank you when he found them.

He stepped inside and was about to close the door (in a reasonably polite way) in Kyuhyun’s face when he was stopped by a foot nudged between the door and the frame. He looked up, nervousness settling in his stomach, but Kyuhyun’s face showed no signs of hostility. “Yes?”

Kyuhyun hesitated for a moment, looking conflicted, but finally he looked up at Zhoumi and said, “I know that we didn’t really meet on the best of terms and all. And I’ve probably scarred you for life, but could we maybe see each other again?”

For a minute, Zhoumi had no idea how to answer. See each other again? In all honesty, Zhoumi wasn’t sure he ever wanted to leave his apartment ever again. Let alone have a lunch date with the vampire who attacked him. But, he couldn’t stop his mouth from opening up and saying, “You know where to find me.”

Zhoumi quickly closed the door, pretending to ignore the happiness in Kyuhyun’s eyes. And the happiness budding in his heart.

p:kyumi, p:hanchul, fanfic

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