Ahhhh, Much Better!

May 15, 2006 10:40

As planned, I ended up taking Thursday & Friday off of work, which gave me a nice, relaxing four day weekend - well, for the most part, anyways *laughs*

When I got home from work Wednesday night, was feeling incredibly stressed out, so I closed myself off in my room where I focused on trying to finish up, 'Come Play With Me,' while watching Memoirs of a Geisha, which I found to be surprisingly entertaining - mostly due to the fact that I'm a huge fan of both Michelle Yeoh & Ziyi Zhang (so in this & Crouching Tiger, I'm ecstatic watching them both on screen).

Thursday, I ended up sitting downstairs in the living room, watching one of the roommates playing Monster Rancher while I worked on finishing up the sketching portion of 'Come Play With Me," then did a hard copy of the sketch via tracing paper so that I could have a clean copy just in case when I start coloring 'CPWM' I have a backup in case things go terribly awry! (Yeah, not a lot of faith in my coloring ability yet, can ya tell? *laughs*) Once I can talk one of my roommates, who both have scanners, into it - I'll scan both images and post a preview here before I start coloring.

Friday, I got up relatively early so that I could go out and do all my requisite running around - paying bills, picking up some new jeans, a copy of FFVII: Advent Children, and something else that I'll discuss below...afterwards, I pretty much just cracked out on Monster Rancher Evo for the rest of the day. For the most part, had the house to myself, which is a rare occurance, so generally just stayed parked where I was on the couch, blazing my way through MRE...partially, because I decided that even though I wasn't gonna go anywhere for the weekend, I wanted to enjoy at least one day with the system to myself, sprawling out in shorts with the doors & windows open, and not paying much attention at all to the outside world. Was a good day :)

Saturday, while my roomie, Lancer, was taking his turn on MRE once again, I pulled out the sketchbook for some more practice, and decided to start working on reassembling my Morgue *cackles* The Morgue's a 'thing' that I picked up in college, a collection of reference images taken from a wide variety of sources to provide answers or inspiration while designing. I've actually expanded a bit on the idea to create a series of four such references -
  1. The Morgue - Repository of body parts, body shots & people, which is further broken down into categories - male/female, arms, legs, chests, full-body, torsos, clothed, unclothed, etc.
  2. Pet Cemetary - Repository of animals, beasts, and other non-human creatures.
  3. The Junk Yard - Buildings, furniture, and non-living objects. This is pretty much the miscellaneous, catch-all category.
  4. Gaea's Crypt - This is the catch-all for natural events, such as weather, clouds, landscapes, trees, flowers, foliage, the ocean, etc...basically, all the aspects of Mother Nature that don't end up stuck in the Morgue or the Pet Cemetary.

What I do need to do is to actually start assembling my own portfolio *chuckles* I've given seminars and advice on this topic, speaking from an art director's view-point, but I'm now having to approach it from the other angle. I have to assemble two different primary portfolios - one for my furry designs & one for my non-furry designs. These I'll be constructing pretty much in tandem with my websites, so it'll be a slow, steady process ;)

Now, on Sunday, after a morning grocery store run, I sat around for a little while & quietly debated with myself. While quietly sketching out some practice poses for the two remaining pieces of artwork I want to get finished before I start working on commissions, I was also mentally tallying up my finances, I came to a decision - first off, I wanted a body pillow. Secondly, on Friday, while at Wally-World, the last item that I had picked up was a Sony DVD-burner, which was on clearance for like $50. I figured that since I was gonna be opening up the case to Tribal, my desktop, I might as well finally do some other upgrading. Hopping online, I found that BestBuy had a special on Western Digital Caviar drives, so I got into the car, headed to Bed, Bath & Beyond where I picked up my body pillow (along with this AWESOME sueded pillow case for it, which just makes this ol'wolf purr like a kitten...), then hopped over to BestBuy where I picked up a 250 Gig hard-drive. Now, to some of you this may not seem like much, but for me, it was an upgrade of massive proportions, increasing my drive space 12.5 times over! *_* Granted, I figured that I may as well do this since there were no current sales on LCD screens, so might as well start witht he basics before venturing to the display (next on the list, more memory & a much better video card, but I digress).

That of course meant that once I got home, I began the arduous process of disassembling poor Tribal, reassembling him, installing Windoze onto the new, better drive, transferring important files over, setting up preferences, downloading needed programs, and that took well into the evening. *laughs* It's still not complete, so will probably end up taking a healthy chunk of this evening as well. Did manage to steal a few minutes online while I was installing all the chat programs, but between phone calls from family & friends (and yes, not only did I remember to call my mother, but also sent her a card on Friday, so nyah) I finally was just too mentally exhausted to deal with it any more. So, hopped into the shower...did a lot of hopping yesterday o.O...curled up with my suede pillow (mrowr) and passed out.

Now, it's Monday, I'm back to work, revitalized, not quite so frustrated at life, and generally in a good mood :) Tonight, I'll probably pick up where I left off, finishing up getting my computer back up and running, making a list of software that I need to reaquire (such as the Adobe stuff *groans*), and either watching Advent Children again - this time in English, just so I can GROWL about the voice actress they goth for Aerith >.< (Mia Sorvino, from American Pie...who was the only HORRIBLE voice actor/actress in Kingdom Hearts 2) or the new, second series, of Tsubasa Chronicles (I'm such an anime slut, it's pathetic).

A'ight, sorry about the rambling post, but consider it making up for the posts that I didn't do over the last few days ;)

Y'all know how to reach me if ya need me!



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