Rage Mode.

Feb 12, 2012 21:08

Ugh. This is the third time this month, alone, that Fanfiction.net has locked me out. I know that it happens to most everyone, from time to time, but it would be nice to be able to utilize the site.

-le sigh-

So, I guess I'm going to be posting a few things on here until it's up and running again. I've been toying with the idea of going back to AFF, but I'm utterly terrified of some of the fiction. Not to say that it isn't tended to with care, I've just outgrown some of the insanity and topics a lot of the authors tackle with.

I wish that Anime Spiral had never gone under. To this day, AS is my favorite fiction site. It was like losing a best friend, and in a way I did. A close friend of mine passed away, and I always had all of his work to read. When it went through the second owner, they wiped the site of all of the fiction that had been there, and eventually dissolved the site.

There was something about that hunter green and mustard yellow background...
Gah. I still remember my user number for my first pen-name ever. I was 428, kagomethekikyoslayer. About a year later, I used Go Drink Windex and was member 16,000-something. It amazed me how large it got in the course of a year. It's still nothing compared to FF and MediaMiner, but still, for an indie site it was explosive.

2004-2006 was spent writing my heart out and learning how to, at that. If anyone else wrote on AS, I'd love to know! Part of me wants to start an independent fiction site. I don't know how well I'd be able to maintain it, but the idea is intriguing. I wonder how much money it would cost to handle that kind of thing...

I just want to be able to use my account. Come on, FF.net.

If anyone has Instagram, my username is Aqualofers. Come see what joyously boring things I do. XD

rant, inuyasha, nostalgia, thought, howlingowl, fanfiction.net, fanfiction

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