(no subject)

Sep 20, 2006 23:00

Well, work are gay twats. Screwing my shifts around even more. I'm now working..... Saturday. Thats it. No more mondays... two day weekends... bleh... Really do need a new job.. sigh, in other news... Asthma is playing up to an insane level... I'm thinking about ousting Darth Vader and just breathing at people!! Lol! Hehe, anyways, I'm bored, so I've stolen some Myspace surveys from Caffee!!

Girls - look at your top 3 boys listed on your Myspace

Guys - look at your top 3 girls listed on your Myspace

Here's how it goes:
List your top 3:

1- Neil
2- Marty
3- Duncan

1. Are you older than number 1?
Nope, he's 7 months older than me.

2.Who did you comment last? 

(where's 3?)

4. If you were crying would 3 cheer you up?
He'd likely try, cos he's a nice person.

5.Who can you talk to the easiest?

6. Is 1 your friend?
*sarcasm* Nooooo... of course he is numbwit

7. Have you hugged anyone in your Top 3 Guys?
All three at regular intervals. Gosh I'm a hug whore!

8. Who have you known the longest?
All of them for about the same time really.

9. Who have you known the shortest?
I've known them all for about the same amount of time!!

10. Who did you talk to on AIM or msn or yahoo or Icq with last?

12. Have you kissed any of your Top 3 Guys?
Two of them.... though one of them was a complete drunken blur.

13. Have you ever been inside the homes of anyone of your Top 3 Guys?
Two of them. I spend a ridiculous amount of time at Neils (which I love doing!) and I go geeking at Martys

14. Who's the most awkward to be around?
None of them. They're all really great guys and Neil just happens to be my bf, so I'd never feel awkward around him

15. When's number 3's b-day?
I can't for the life of me remember... February sometime?

16. Are you taller than number one?
I think I'm about half an inch taller than he is.

17.Have you ever been to the movies with number 3?

18.Have you ever went out with any one of them?
Eeeeeeehehehe!! YESH!!

1. Have you had sex in the last week?

2. Have you kissed someone in the last 2 weeks?
Yes indeedy.

3. Who's the last person you hugged?

5. What is the last thing that you drank?

6. Who is the last person you think about at night?
I'll give you three guesses.

7. Elvis or James Dean?

8. Who is one person you can't stand from school?
Natasha Hamilton, may she write at the hands of undead minions and plague demons.

9. What grade did you make in Maths?

10. If you could have sex with one person right now, who would it be and why?
*waves* Hewwo Neil.

12. Do you like someone right now?
I wike oo!! And of course I wuvs my Neil!!

13. What are you doin right now?

14. Do you think lesbians are hot?
In some cases, and if I'm drunk! lol! But I'll fight any man for Cristina Scabbia

15. Have you ever "experimented" with the same sex?
Only kisses. Don't know if I'm brave enough to do anything else. I'm happy sticking with Men!

17. Favorite non alcoholic drink?
Coke!!!!!! and frozen fanta Blue!

18. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
I'd change a few physical things and maybe get rid of my self esteem and confidence issues

20. Do you know what tofu is? 
Um... I think so.

21. Have you ever eaten it? 

22. Do you know what a colonoscopy is?
It sounds painful...

23. Have you ever had one?
Well, as I don't know what it is, and it sounds like something painful, I'll have to say no.

24. Do you know who plays at least a small part in every Adam Sandler movie?

25. Do you want to go back to high school?

26. Who is your arch enemy?
I have a few people who vex me beyond moral comprehension. All of whom are not worthy to be put in writing.

27. If you could go back to one time in your life and change it, would you?

28. Do you or have you ever read Cosmo?

29. Have you ever watched the Britney Spears movie Crossroads?
Fuck no, do I look like a retarded Golden Shepherd?

30. Do you listen to Lindsay Lohan?
I've heard some of her stuff, but I don't actively listen

31. Your favorite color?
Midnight Blue.

32. Paul Walker or Ryan Phillippe?
0_o... who?

33. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?

34. Smurfs or Carebears?

35. Favorite ex?
err... My first I guess. As nothing really has been until mow after that.

36. Do you want platinum or gold for your wedding band?
I really don't mind. I'd be the happiest person with an iron one if it meant that someone really loved me enough to want to spend their life with me *squees*

37. Have you ever paid to have your eyebrows waxed?
No.... wouldn't that be just as bad as shaving eventually?

38. Do you shave your back?
Eh. I'm not Cammy.

39. Have you ever watched porn and thought it was funny?
Yes!! Lol!

40. Have you ever flashed someone?
Not really.

41. Who is your best friend?
I don't have a best friend really, except Neil. I have a collective group of them!

42. How many children do you want to have?
One would be the best for me, as children actually scare me!!

43. Are you pro-choice or pro-life?

45. What religion are you?
I'm not!!

46. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
Twice, sometimes more.

47. Do you think that the tobacco companies should pay for people's medical bills?
I dunno. They are rich bastards though...

48. What scares you? 
Loosing someone who means the world to me.... children and fuck off huge spiders.

49. What makes you happy?
Friends, Neil, Geeking...

50. If you could have one person in your bed tonight, who would it be?
If it were one person. I'd have Neil, so I could just hug him all night... then my arms would fall off... but if it were a big room and we could all sleep over, the Realm would be welcome..

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