Hello and welcome to this quarter's episode of "Sarah Thinks"
Sarah has decided that she thinks far too much. This causes the Sarah to become tired, irritable and, because of the afforementioned, highly stressed and prone to violent outbursts of 15+ rated words.
Sarah has also decided that she dislikes the vast majority of people for varying reasons, here are her top 3.
1. Stupidity
Since the rise of the "Health and Safety" culture, she has come to the conclusion that the gene pool is now pretty much irreversibly fucked. Stupid people used to remove themselves from the breeding stock simply by being themselves. Now making things such as "do not stick your hand into this machine because it will be chopped off/ mangled/ burnt off..." ridiculously obvious is standard practice, hence the stupid people do not become dead/ injured meaning that they remain a factor within the current breeding stock. Hence, health and safety is, oddly enough, the beginning of the demise of humanity.
2. Rudeness.
My shop closes at 9pm. That is 21.00 military time. If I am closed when you turn up, do not start yelling at me, cursing at me, insulting my lineage or anything related to the above. I close at nine. This is the shop policy, and the way you treat me is most certainly not going to make me want to serve you after hours when I am cleaning and not being paid to put up with your blatant rudeness and arrogance. Thank you.
3. Pure Irritation Factor.
The number of people I find annoying recently is on the rise. Through a mixture of the above two factors, I find myself becoming inexplicably worked up. Details shall not be presented, just be aware that the majority of the populus is incredily close to feeling my wrath.
On a plus note, Neil and I went to see Iron Maiden at Twickenham the other week :)
It was awesome ^^ Twickenham is huge. We ran for the train on the way back. There were police on ponies ^^
Downside was that we had to jostle our way through a huge crowd of people over 20 mins to get two t-shirts... I wanted a cap too... but I was not going to pay £20 for a cap thats only £10 on their website -_-
This is an angry rabbit. This is currently in my brain... think of it as my current state of mind.
My sister... is currently seeing Dan. Daniel. Fluffy eyebrows guy. however you remember him.
This displeases me... greatly.
My sister you see... is 16.
Dan, is almost 21.
Can anyone see my problem here?
Yes, I know Dan is a nice guy. BUT. Dan is also male. Therefore he has an inherent interest in attending to an itch that all males have. -_-
My little sister is about as naieve as they come, (as well as being a thieving little bitch, but thats for another time)
Neither of them bothered letting me know this is going on. (We drove past them in the car last week and found out.
I am not a happy bunny.
Got a problem with this, please, let me know.
I don't quite get why this pisses me off so much, I know I feel ridiculously territorial at the moment, what with him having been here today. But yes, I digress. Let me know if you think I am unfounded in my "grr-ness"
On another tangent. I still have no proper uniform for work. I have a fleece lined jumper. Its over 30 degrees... the aircon is above the door... at the other end of the shop. All the customers leave the door open, and I have no fan.... I boil at work... I am not happy.
This is all.