Coyote is checking her e-mail.
Yes, she is down with the internets. You can't not be if you want to get along in the modern world, and if there's one thing coyotes are good at, it's adaptation.
No, you can't have her e-mail address.
Anyway, there is one message in particular:
Coyote snorts. "Tell it like it is, Silver RavenWolf. Try learning to spell, that might help." Hah, get it, 'spell'? She cracks herself up sometimes.
She deletes the e-mail without a second thought, and goes to bed.
The next morning, the
dog who she had finally dubbed 'Stupid', wakes her up barking at squirrels through the window.
"Stfu," she groans, rolling over and planting a pillow over her head. It's too early for this.
Then she blinks. "Wtf?"
Then she sits up. "Srsly, wtf."
" D: "
Yeah, it's gonna be an interesting day.