eat pray love review

Apr 12, 2009 18:33

ok so i am *really* going to get back to work.. but.. I just read a review of eat pray love over at a neat blog i came across ( )
by a pretty neat-o uu minister.  and I just feel driven to repost it.. it really sums up a lot of my misgivings about that book, but I couldn't have put my finger on all of them as neatly as this review does.  At the end of the day/book, I was perhaps a bit less pissed off than mz peacebang, but.. not much (as is evidenced by my blogging about this when i a) rarely blog on lj and b) read the book over 6 months ago.)

well, here's a nice photo taken with a lomo camera by someone in russia.  it's pretttttyyy.

and here's some rabbit related humor for easter:

A lady opened her refrigerator and saw a

rabbit sitting on one of the shelves.

"What are you doing in there?" she asked.

The rabbit replied:
"This is a Westinghouse, isn't it?",

to which the lady replied "Yes."

"Well," the rabbit said,

"I'm westing."

oh, but I am easily amused !

ok ok back to "work"


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