энциклопедия русских анекдотов

Jan 08, 2006 18:10

Здесь собрана масса примеров отечественных анекдотов с их подробной классификацией, на английском языке. Примечательно объяснение смысла некоторых шуток и персонажей.

"Vovochka is the Russian equivalent of Little Johnny. He interacts with his school teacher, Marivanna, a spoken shortened form of Maria Ivanovna. a common Russian name. The name itself is a diminutive form of Vladimir, creating the "little boy" effect. His fellow students bear similarly diminutive names. This "little boy" name is used in contrast with Vovochka's wisecracking, adult, often obscene statements. Some of these jokes also play on "Vovochka" being a diminutive for "Vladimir", the first name of the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, as well as the current president Vladimir Putin."

The teacher asks the class to produce a word that starts with the letter "A"; Vovochka happily raises his hand and says "Asshole!". The teacher, shocked, responds "For shame! There's no such word!". "That's strange," Vovochka thinks to himself, "an asshole exists, but the word for it doesn't?"

humorous remark

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