This is from last weekend but it's the only one i got that's postworthy. That is, in fact, someone jumping off a cliff/waterfall. It was about 45 feet high. I did it twice, it was nuts.
anyway, my day today.
I woke up at 4:30am, to go take the PT test for ROTC, I did pretty good and was well past the minimum but I could've done better..oh well, i get to try again in two weeks. I got back to my dorm around 7:30 took a quick shower, changed and went to math. Right after math was engineering, after which i ate, then promptly went to go take a nap. (at about 10:30, hah). Then anthro, then more eating and some studying, and more sleeping. Then I went to go play basketball with the guys on my floor for about an hour. Fun, but a bunch of engineering students playing basketball are mediocre at best... After that more eating and studying. Then, over to the climbing wall for the start of climbing club. Screwed around on the rock wall for half an hour or so, then hopped over to the pool for the club team swim practice. Got out around ten took a shower and now, here I am. hooah.