Dec 03, 2006 13:37
lah de dah. i wasnt sad when i made that last post, just sick and bored. acteally in a good mood. take that.
i need a ride to cape breton after the 14th that will be happy and pleased to take the piggy monster cat too(ill put her in a box, and she doesnt bite
in cars)
i sure did really like vkngs last night, is that how they spell it? yeah they were really good, more rock and less sulk than i expected. i will now go out of my way to see them. even if they hate cetain special letters and did that noa back and forth singing thing once.(note:i DO like how it sounds, freals, and i really liked noa, but it seemed out of place. but what do i know, frig,get)
i missed allison and im glad shes back around. if anyone who cares or will be in cb this month is reading this ever, regan and mary are going to be around for a while this year and i told alli that we sould have a little past party at james and vals on the like 21rst or 22nd. i have yet to tell (slash)ask vals or jim.