how_obscureand this is my personal journal. I thought I would give a little bit of information about myself for anybody who doesn't know me in real life and to give a little preview of the things I might be talking about.
I'm 24 and I have a BA in psychology. I'm studying for a BS in Criminal Justice right now. Eventually, I want to go to graduate school to further my studies in psychology.
I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This has had a big influence on my life. It's under better control now and I'm working on making sure it doesn't define my life.
I sometimes do a little art, but not nearly as often as I should. If I do complete something, I'll probably post it.
I think I will keep most of my fandom related ramble to my other journal, but all the same, the fandoms I'm really into reading in (and occasionally writing and vidding) are Firefly and Due South. I also love Harry Potter, but I'm not really involved in it anymore. Flashpoint rocks.
Queen is my favorite band by virtue of having an anthology wherein I like most of the songs on every album. (Also, they're awesome.) Most bands, I only seem to know/like one or two albums. Noe Venable speaks to my soul. Muse is has also quickly climbed the ranks since I discovered them some months back. I listen to a broad range of music. One moment I'll be listening to heavy metal and the next moment something Celtic. On my iTunes, you'll also find soundtracks, punk, alternative, rock, oldies, big band, singer-songwriter, and some pop, country, and bluegrass for good measure. I also love classic rock and listen to it on vinyl.
I'm apparently very boring as I can't think of anything else to say here.