God, I Haven't Posted Anything in Ages

May 21, 2007 21:28

I guess that is kind of expected. This is getting close to the end of our fiscal year at work and I'm supposed to be on "my best behavior" to make sure my contract is renewed. As usual, I thought I heard the sound of a rumor that I'm not getting renewed this coming year> Well, this started as a 1-year temp job back in 1993 and I'm still there so someone must like me. One guy at work retired and I regretted showing up for his retirement party or getting him anything. He's been around longer than I was. So, he went and retired. Now, he's back. I give up. that place is way too freaky for me. So it will be interesting to see if I have a job starting July 1st.

They are keeping me busy though. Not the way I'd like to be busy. Nobody listens to me, they do things despite my warnings, and I have to fix the mess. I'd rather be an indigent. Fixing Lotus Notes, trying to install new backup software... No wonder I just feel brain-dead. All I've had time to do is read LJ. No time to think least write about anything important or earth-shattering. This past week, I almost couldn't find the time to even read LJ.

It's 9:45 PM. Things I have yet to do before going to bed:

1) I need to pay my bills

2) I need to do some quick work for ... work.

3) I need to catch some of ShannonKringen's show on the Internet.

4) I need to buy a new bluetooth gizmo for my car since they will be giving out tickets starting in June for DWY (Driving While Yapping).

and I still need to catch up on reading LJ.



busy, exhaustion, work

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