Wow, Been A Long Time

Sep 17, 2006 22:12

It's really sad that I spend so much mental energy dealing with work issues that I never seem to have enough time to do anything I really want to. Seems that since this conversion to Microsoft started, we've had a lot of other things falling down and I was working a LOT of hours running tests on things with someone in India. Now that some of that is all behind, maybe I can relax and catch up with things. Who am I kidding?! It never ends does it. Was discussing all this with my shrink the other day. I was really feeling like none of the pills are working anymore. He explained that I'm going to have periods like that. Times when the stress overwhelms the pills. Oddly enough, I was a bit more relaxed last week.

October is coming soon. That reminds me that I need to renew my passport before they start sticking RFIDS in them. I'll need to grow my beard back a little more first. Anyway, in October, it should cool off enough to plant some grass seed in the lawn. We got over-run with Crabgrass this year and I pulled large clumps of it out so I have all these holes in my lawn that I need to fill. It's just a little too hot out to plant dwarf tall fescue at the moment.

I still keep up with a lot of what is happening. I feel like I have just enough time to read my email, visit a friend's website or two and read my Livejournal. Well, in two or three days I get caught up, but I'm so busy catching up that I never get time to gather any thoughts of anything in order to post.

I almost forgot, I was going to post about that last trip we made. When was it? July?? August?? I remember where the trip was to.

Now I remember. It was the morning we were leaving and all I needed to do was throw some pharmaceuticals and grooming aids into the bag. just then, Darlene came in and told me I had to get rid of liquids. It was the FIRST day of this and here we were going on vacation. Anyway, I threw all the liquidy stuff into one bag and, when we got to Long Beach Airport, I checked it.

The really stupid thing about this "no liquids" thing is that after you get through security, you have tons of opportunity to buy more liquids. Anyway, I prepared for the worst! Last trip out of LB Airport, they had us go through a stage 2 security check. I figured that this was going to be a stage 4 or 5 or worse. So, this time I had to take my belt off. That means, if they were going to pat me down, my pants would fall off. No kidding. Anyway, took off my shoes and my belt. Stuck everything else on the conveyor. After two tries, got through the metal detector only to find that they were going to give us a second security check just before getting on the plane.

Thanks for the interest.

OK, we waited for the plane to come in and the passengers to get off. Then the TSA showed up and set a table and started going through suitcases. I noticed that they sold nail clippers 20 feet from the door. Why? Anyway, just before they called our rows, they made an announcement that, because the plane was late coming in and all of the people still trying to smuggle on liquids, they were going to have to close the door and send the plane off half-full. Some people had family on the plane, some had their medicines in checked luggage. Finally, they told the rest of use to open our carry-ons and run.

We ran for the airplane with things falling out of the carry-on. We made it though.

So, now for the trip itself. The plane arrived in Seattle and we had to switch planes for the flight to Spokane. The plane was a turbo-prop. We got to Spokane and had to walk miles for the rental car, as usual. We drove up to Coleville and got settled in the Comfort Inn. Wasn't bad. The Jacuzzi was OK. We hung around with Darlene's friends in the area and then grabbed another prop-jet for Boise, ID and stayed with her sister for a few days before heading back. We saw some deer and cows on this trip.

Anyway, had a good time, even though the tech support guy contacted me saying that he knew I was on vacation but wanted me to send him a phone number so we could continue testing. Oy!!!


travel, coleville, boise, work, seatlle, spokane

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