Boot Camp - Day 9

Aug 16, 2007 09:23

Today was a good day at boot camp. We did a lot of running particularly for an arms day but I like the days when we run through the neighborhood and stop periodically for exercises. I kept up with the running for most of the time which also felt good.

Dare I say it push-ups even felt a little easier.

After class I asked him when I would know how to move up weights and he told me I should move to 5lbs but I'm not sure I believe him. He's trying to move up to 20 lbs. So we made a deal that we'd both bring heavier weights on Monday so I guess I need to go get weights. One day I'll learn not to talk to him after class.

The bad thing is that I am really really tired. I was so tired last night that I didn't even know that Kris came to bed. I'm looking forward to getting some sleep this weekend.

I also seem to be gaining weight not losing weight. However, tonight is the first night of going to Weight Watchers with Laura. I'm not sure how I feel about actually attending meetings but I think it will be good for the two of us to support each other and she really wants to try the meetings.
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