Boot Camp Day 1 (160 lbs)

Aug 06, 2007 09:55

Well I managed to make it to Boot Camp (Day 1). I was up before my alarm and actually excited about starting the program. I was at the place where I thought it was early only to find out it was actually at a different place. It was both great and awful at the same time. It was hard and the running sucked but the instructor was really nice and although he pushed us to do more there was no yelling. I definitely could feel that I was out of shape but didn't feel like the workout was impossible or that it wasn't something I could do.

It was raining as we started with basic calisthenics* but fortunately the rain let up pretty quickly. We then went on a run to another school about 3 blocks away did some nordic drills (toe touches to a sidewalk), jumping over lines etc. We also did baseline to baseline drills on a basketball court -- walking lunges, skipping, running backwards. We then used the playground equipment to do some hanging knee raises and step ups. Then ran back around to the front of the school did crunches and then ran the long way back to the place we started.

I guess after only one day its hard to say but I really feel like this may be what I have needed all along. I like the fact that its everyday so I can get into a regular routine. I like that its challenging but that I don't have to think about what to do next because someone else is telling me what to do. I also like knowing that I have other people to keep up with which will keep me motivated.

* For my own information: Calisthenics is a type of exercise consisting of a variety of simple movements usually performed without weights or other equipment that are intended to increase body strength and flexibility using the weight of one's own body for resistance. Repeated motions of calisthenics done over an extended period of time builds muscle endurance. The history of calisthenics is linked to gymnastics.
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