Still alive....

Feb 02, 2004 21:19

Took this from emmsteroni :

Nickname in high school?
Nice - Cheese Not so nice - Ass Bitch (variation on my last name)

Sport you were into?
No sports...

Had a circle of friends?
Many different circles of friends...I was skating around on the edges all over the place.

Best subject?

Worst subject?

A teacher you owe life lessons to?
Ron Thomason, my freshman English teacher. He was so cool...didn't care what anyone thought of of the smartest people I've ever met. He plays banjo and tours the world now, with his band - The Dry Branch Fire Squad. He was probably one of, if not the, most life changing person I've ever met.

A teacher you wanna kick in the ass?
Mrs. Sharp, my freshman French teacher. I was out sick for a week or so and missed some work - the text was in French and I didn't know the words. Her time was too valuable to waste helping me, so she told me to get help from other kids in class. (They were all too busy too, and I didn't really know any of them well enough to beg) I ended up failing the final because I never understood anything after that.

Describe in one word...
Grade 9: invisible
Grade 10: swatchy
Grade 11: lauperish
Grade 12: punky

Your best friend was?
Someone different from moment to moment...never really was the kind of person to have just one best friend. Jessie, Cindy, Rick, Curtis, Renee...Bill, Adam, Drew, Eric, many friends.

Your worst friend was?
Gwen. I can't even talk about it right now.

Cafeteria food sucked?
I saved my money to buy music...who needs food?

Most hilarious school rule?
On the last day of Senior year I brought my mom's silly green clown wig to school. We were taking pictures of everyone with the wig on...even my 73 year old English was fun. About half way through the day the principal, Mr. Poore, comes over the PA and says, "If anyone is caught wearing the green wig, it will be confiscated. No one is to wear the green wig." Okay...what? What's the worst that could have happened, a massive outbreak of lice in the graduating Seniors? Hardly the school's problem, I think...what a wet blanket that man was.

Wore uniforms?

How was the prom?
Humbling. I was going to go with my longtime boyfriend/fiance Drew and then I found out he was being unfaithful to me. Sigh. So, I went with Pippa's brother Richard. We had Chinese food for supper, and then headed out to Prom. Prom was lame...all these people trying to look so grown up and looking so silly. We took off and went to Rocky Horror Picture Show, and then to Taco Bell. I thought Richard was in love with me, did not reciprocate and was feeling kind of smug about it. He told me he was in love with someone...I asked him who...he told me he couldn't tell me...I told him he could tell me anything (wink wink nudge nudge)...he told me it was the actor who played Eric in the movie "The Boy Who Could Fly." (That was the humbling part.)

Who were the prom king and queen?
Oh geesh...erm...Darrin Garrett and Dana Linn? I think...

Any achievements?
I was in a couple of plays and a couple of musicals - lead roles in the musicals. I had solos in 2 dinner theatres and some shows. I played trombone and trumpet and baritone in misc bands. I went to the Young Author's Conference about every year and won an award for writing my senior year, as well as being inducted into a National Choir Society of some sort (Mrs. Grusenmeyer, forgive me for not knowing...) I was a member of just about everything, and was Student of the Week once too.

Were you popular?
Yes. But I was not a part of the in-group. I was popular for being weird...I was voted "Most Indiviualistic"

Best song that reminds you of high school?
"Don't You Forget About Me" - Simple Minds
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