Jan 15, 2008 14:38
i watched October Sky last night, it was quite entertaining. Jakey even looked pretty young.
i have two exams tomorrow, media me1 and me2...im pretty confident...i think i remember all the theory, i did a bit of revision and i feel okay about the visual analysis because i know its prinited so i can use all my english knowledge for that...not to mention this is just for an AS so...not too bothered.
Film is more serious...i have an A grade to maintain..i would be so gutted if i didnt get it. we went over neorealsim last thursday and i did some revision on the weekend so i feel pretty confident on stylistic features of neorealism and i could probably do well on the issues question if i had to...but hopefully it wont come to that. Janice is going over City of God tomorrow so hopefully ill get that wonderful confident feeling i have for neorealism....i hope.actually i might watch City Of God Tonight, though i guess i have all thursday to do that.
psychology is becomeing a bit more confident in my mind. we went over some question 13 stuff which will be animal behaviour stuff, which is my weakest one. i think ill do consistently average on all three questions. but apparently we only need 70% for an A. which might be doable...who am i kidding.
Jon and Becky are back together, after 2 days of seperation. i think getting back with exes is always a bad idea...i mean theres a reason why you split up and surely if it couldnt be changed in the first place it wont happen this time?
i might be worng, i havent really been in that situation...well maybe once.
im in the drop-in becuase Rivka went ofr a driving lesson and nil and jade disapeared. i should really do some revision but i can be bothered...probably not good.
im thinking i shouldnt go to Kevins this weekend as i have muchos psychology work to do but we'll see how much i miss him....it wont take much more than it is now but we'll still see.
i guess ill try and do something constructive now...
muchos work,