
Oct 24, 2006 10:29

Everyone goes through heart break, that's a given in life. And when you know somethings wrong, you fix it right? Well what if you can't change it?

I was sitting at the firehouse last night and ya kno i'm so sick of being ignored or always forgotten about in that place. Nobody listens to me anymore or hears my opinion. Thinking my boyfriend was sitting right beside me that he would atleast listen to me but no. Sometimes I feel like I'm just better when I keep my mouth shut. Well after the meeting I blew up at him and told him everything, I told him that I was tired of being treated like shit around him, I was tired of always having to take care of him, and I was tired of not bein listened to when I had something to say. He called me immature a lot and that apparently all I am is a bitch but hey whats new right?

I think it's time to break-up. I'm leaving for college and I believe that I should be myself and not have to shut up every time I get around him. I'm sick of every day I have to myself I get dumped or hurt by him and end up not having a day to myself because I'm too upset over him. Why is it that I always fall so hard for nothing? I will always get hurt no matter what because I'm the kind of girl to keep everyone happy and doesnt keep herself happy. And if he's not happy with me then why keep him here?

I have a lot to think about, i need some cheerin up...comments would be GREAT at this time...
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