Idk why people can't get over the AMAs either. I really think that a lot of the media and those offended though that Adam was going to apologize and feel bad for causing that much "trouble". When he didn't and went, "Welllll that's who I am", everyone offended decided to continue to dwell on it and probably will until they up and keel over...
I hate that one excuse was "OUR CHILDREN!!!" I mean really? It's 11 o'clock and you have the remote right beside you. Just press the power button dont, give the guy shit about it.
I slept at like 7 o clock when I was eight. Obviously these parents have issues. My parents actually determined what I could watch when I was eight and when I went to sleep. Maybe these parents should be doing the same if it's such a big deal.
Jeez it was a kiss. Little boys sometimes kiss their dads big whoop. But when two hot adults do it then there's drama. JFC it was hot. They should just admit it
I can understand being offended by it. I'll respect that. Everyone has the right to their own opinions but NO ONE has the right to be a douchebag about it.
Calling him names and bashing him does not make you the bigger man. Just let it die.
It's like after that performance people dont even see him as a person. He has feelings he's not some invincible guy. He's worked hard for this career he will hear some bad comments but he's not gunna let some haters kill his fun and happiness. I mean when I don't like someone I do research about them. Like with ke$ha I kinda understand her appearance now but I still hate her attitude and her statements.
Ke$ha makes me physically ill. I don't think I'll ever be able to make myself like her, but I'll keep my comments about her to myself and other people who dislike her.
idk Adam really didn't care about the AMA fiasco and even if it made people sour with him, he has so many people who love him as a performer.
i was asleep, yo
maybe I was desensitized pretty early on, but come on, guys, what he did wasn't even that bad...
had he whipped it out onstage? maybe. But not what happened at the amas
Calling him names and bashing him does not make you the bigger man. Just let it die.
idk Adam really didn't care about the AMA fiasco and even if it made people sour with him, he has so many people who love him as a performer.
Especially a lot of celebrities adore Adam and completely respect him
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