Dec 22, 2004 20:12
not to sound angsty, but teenage angst in middle schoolers really peeves me. between their constant need to find true love and their ongoing identity crisises, I don't see how they have time to live. Honestly, YOU GUYS ARE 12 YEARS OLD, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE WRONG WITH YOUR LIFE. You still live with your parents, you dont have to pay bills, and you havent yet come across any ordeals that someone retarded cant handle. *all special cases aside* Also, what is with your constant need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend? None of you are getting any, all you do is stand around on "recess" and hold hands, write notes to each other, and run up your cell phone bills for conversations consisting of "I love you. I love you more. I love you most" and "I'm bored, are you bored. Yeah. *pregnant pause*" and my personal favorite "I cant believe you (told/did that with) that bitch" and "How can you be cheating on me you whore!" YOU'RE NOT MARRIED, YOU ARENT EVEN DOING THINGS THAT QUAILFY AS PROMISCUOUS. Maturity is seriously lacking. Middle schools were the worst thing to ever happen. Sixth graders run rampant, eighth graders aren't cut out to beat the shit out of anyone, therefore ninth graders are total morons, and upperclassmen are forced to do more work than necessary in freshman abuse/guidance. all because of hormonal brain imbalance.
im sorry for all this but my hormonal middle school sister is driving me nuts and i felt i should share with th rest of the world what was occuring.