Dear Live Journal 4-12-09

Apr 12, 2009 21:38

Dear Live Journal.

The theater company where I work often has just changed its name from Saratoga Drama Group to SOUTH BAY MUSICAL THEATRE. We are looking for a new Logo and I figured that some of my creative friends in LJ land might be interested in sending in a design entry.


For all you artistic types and graphic designers, the SMBT board
has announced a contest to design a new logo for South Bay Musical Theatre.

The winning entry (as selected by the board) will win a pair of season tickets to
our 2009-2010 season.

The logo may be in full and glorious color, but consideration should be given to the fact that it should also look good in black & white, since many of our ads are printed that way. Submit as many entries
as you like, and feel free to ask any graphic designer friends if they'd
like to participate - credit for a company logo looks good on a resume!

Please note that all entries need to be in a scalable (vector-based) format like Adobe
Illustrator and should be received by June 15, 2009. No hand drawings or
pixel-based formats, thanks. Please submit entries (or any questions, if you
have them) to
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