Dear Live Journal 3-8-09

Mar 08, 2009 11:45

Dear Live Journal,

Hawaii Day 3 (3-7-09)

We awoke to rain. Lots of rain. That is okay. We were expecting it. The plan was just to hang out at the house all day. For those that keep asking, we are in Hau'ula on Oahu in the North Shore.

We spent most of the morning just sitting around on the computers, watching TV, eating and listening to the waves crash on shore. George then decided that he wanted to drive up the shore to look at the different beaches and breaks. It started off with just me and him going but then the whole crew decided to go, which meant that we would be having lunch out. Yay.

We walked outside to the car and saw that there was a huge puddle around it. George saved the day by moving the car to us so we wouldn't get our feet wet. Before I go any further, since we picked up the car on Thursday, an emergency notice in the car has told us CHECK TIRE PRESSURE ON LEFT FRONT TIRE. There didn't seem to be any issue with the tire so we ignored it. We drove up the coast and stopped at a Shrimp Truck/Souvenir stand that we had stopped at when we were here back in 2005. I bought a magnet for our fridge and a cool fishermans hat that I wanted. Griff bought some pearls so that when he "clutches his pearls" he will actually have something to "clutch".

Michael bought a leopard print sarong and a bone necklace of some sort. He was wearing it last night and it looks like he should be playing a caveman in some show. At this stop, I enjoyed some garlic shrimp that was good but not great. LOTS of garlic but I like garlic. Michael had some corn that was supposed to be roasted but it was just boiled and the shave ice wasn't TRUE shave ice.


From there we headed up to another beach area just to look around. As we were getting back into the car, a passerby told us that our left BACK tire looked really flat. George got out and looked at it and was really concerned. We decided to drive down to the gas station we just passed and put some air in but he turned off into a park and we had to drive to the end of the driveway to park. The plan was to call Alamo and/or AAA but where we were, no one had a signal on their phones. Time to change to the spare.

How many bears does it take to change a flat tire?

Once the tire was changed, the plan was to find a local tire shop that could fix the old tire for us. I used my GPS device to find a couple local places but only one seemed promising. The building where the GPS lead us was old and boarded up. Tim went inside to the auto parts store and they said that the business moved up the street a couple of miles. We went back the other way and couldn't find the location. We did see an old building that we THOUGHT might be it but it looked closed as well. Tim went inside the store next door and the lady behind the counter told him to just knock on the door and someone would come out. That didn't work either.

So, we just drove back to the house and found a Firestone Tire place about 20 miles away in Keonohe and George and Michael went on their own. Tim and I did enjoy some time in the water and then some time in the hot tub.

After that, I took a nice two hour nap and then I got up and started dinner. Since it was still raining outside, I didn;t want to mess with the grill. So, instead of the chicken and fish that I was going to grill, we had spaghetti instead. Along with caesar salad and garlic bread. Everyone loved it. Griff was really tired after dinner and went to bed. Michael was looking for something sweet so he walked down to the local 7-11 to get some ice cream. We all enjoyed some ice cream and popsicles while watching 48 HOURS MYSTERY. I was the last one to go to bed at about 10:30.

Tomorrow we will be heading into Honolulu to join the Aloha Bears for their once a month Sunday cruise. The weather is supposed to be nice and it will give us a chance to enjoy a bit of Waikiki.
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