Dear Live Journal 3-7-09

Mar 07, 2009 12:13

Dear Live Journal,

Hawaii 2009 - Day 2 (3-6-09)

Today we all woke up early because we were still on CA time. For the most part of the morning, it was still cloudy so we all sat around eating breakfast and chatting and working on our laptops.

Me, Griff and Tim walked over to Ghino's Leong Store. I went over there the first day and the lady who runs the store (i forget her name) gave me a Lei. It was a nice store with t-shirts and sarongs and hats and dresses and all of the normal stuff you would buy in a souvenir shop. Griff bought me a cool pair of board shorts and he also bought a couple of towels, a couple sarongs, and a hat. Tim bought a pair of board shorts and a couple cigars that we will enjoy on the veranda eventually this week. I thought I was special and that she only gave ME a Lei. Turns out she gives them to everyone who walks in the store. Oh well.

After that trip, we came and enjoyed the water for a bit. Michael even joined us this time. It was colder than it was the day before but once you get used to the water, it is not bed. However, there was just so much cold wind that we could take so we were not in the water for very long.

My next action was to come inside and plan out our week of eating before heading to the grocery store. We try to cook at home as often as possible. I had to decide when we were eating at the house and WHAT we were eating as well as when we were going out. Sounds easy enough but when you are trying to please four other big bears it is not super easy. I made the list and everyone agreed on it and then set out for Foodland. At the end of it all, I had a full cart and $400 worth of groceries. The food is not cheap over here, especially the produce. I had so much stuff that it took two carts to carry everything out.

When I arrived back to the house, the boys helped me carry everything in and helped put it all away. I worked on getting dinner ready and we had turkey burgers, grilled veggies, and turkey sausages. I always worry that I am not making enough but there was plenty. In fact, I am enjoying a leftover burger right now.

A cute greeting to us from the owners

Michael and George from their room

Oh Captain. My Captain.

Making the bears happy with food

To all of our dear friends out there.

The night came to a close early. We were all tired and in bed before 10. I did get to enjoy the jacuzzi before bed and that really helped me sleep well.
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