Nov 29, 2005 20:34
the one thing i realize the most when i come home is i have a great tendancy to carry on conversations with my self that i would normally be having with another person if said person was actually there with me. what i'm trying to say is i always feel a lot more crazy than i really am when i come home. it's just due to my lack of human interaction for the most part. i'm working 5 days next week, which is exciting. they aren't full days, which is even more exciting and they're mostly during the week. hoo-rah! i went in for my schedule today and talked with vianna for awhile. i really like her, and the rest of the people i work with at american eagle for that matter. i talked to her about possibly getting back my job come summer and she said "for sure". so that's awesome. as much as i don't want to work retail, it'll be nice to not really have to worry about money or paying for anything more than gas. however, depending on vanlos to get me back and forth from home to hawthorne is a bit iffy. god, it isn't even december and i'm fucking ready to be back at school. i miss tom like it's my job. well i guess it somewhat is. he's talking about coming out to see me, but he's so busy with work and the record label who knows when he'll actually have time. it's ok. 6 weeks is that long really. or so i'm going to continue to tell myself. finally got the internet up and running on my pc. thank goodness, i hate using the family compy. all of my shit's pre-saved on this and i don't like fucking with other computers. plus, tom didn't spend 6 hours making it look like a creepy mac/pc bastard child for nothing. i miss him. hope all is well for everyone else and don't go asking me for my discount at american eagle, it's MY discount, 40% off for my ass to look hot in jeans, bwahahahahahahhaha, kidding, if you really want me to pick something up for you, just ask, but i need the money in advance because i'm po' as you all know**