"The Lobotomist"

Feb 01, 2008 01:58

Dear Howard Dully,

I'm forwarding you an email from a viewer of the program "The Lobotomist" to you. He asked to be put in touch with you.

I forwarded your previous message about your book to producers Barak Goodman and John Maggio. I hope they have responded. It would be unusual for us to mention a book in the program. We list books and Web sites about the topic and by film participants on our Further Reading page at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/lobotomist/more/ I apologize that it cannot be more prominent.

Viewers were very moved by your story in the program. Here are two emails that we got following the broadcast:

This program had me in tears, and when the interview with Howard Dully progressed I saw myself in him, I'm close to the smae age and his depiction of his life parallels mine to a tee.. there is a part missing and has most of it.
Howard if you read this please contact me..
How this inhumanity could go on for so long is unexcusable, especially with it following so closely what happened in Germany during the war..
truly sad..


Howard Dully's story really affected me. The reasons for his labotomy were things my son did all the time, such as wearing unseasonal clothes. I saw my son as a Dennis the Menace and loved every moment with what to me was a typical little boy. To think that someone would have thought he need a labotomy scares me to death. He is now a grown man with a good marriage and job and about to give me a grandchild. Look at what would have been wasted!
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