GRASP October Meet

Oct 26, 2009 22:12

Last Saturday was the GRASP October meet, the third meet I've attended. We were supposed to be meeting at Hollywood Cemetary, then moving to Penny Lane pub downtown, but due to rain and Penny Lane changing their hours, we ended up at Super King Buffet after a detour to Barnes & Nobles and finally crashed at Mae's house for more photos.

Super King Buffet's lighting was so-so, but the house was where the real fun happened anyways. XD

My first warning is that a LOT of these images are redundant. I liked some of the variations, and being that I'm still playing with David's emotions by different angles, be prepared for spam.

The second warning is probably more important. Some of the dolls did not behave, and most of those shots involve male-male and multiple partner ('cause we're a bunch of goofy girls). If that bothers you, then don't click the link.

I do my best to identify peoples' dolls, but I probably messed that up a fair bit.

Group shot at Super King. Yes, the dolls got a table to themselves. It was great! The waitress was very interested in them, too, but I think we slightly annoyed the poor manager.

Marxli persisted to look like he was struggling in David's lap the whole time, so he eventually got moved.

Amanda's girl, who was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. The costume is adorable, and we just had to play with them. XD

And then Amanda gave David a sword, 'cause she thought it was a good idea. XD He turned around and flung it at poor Teru while she was trying to get one of her dolls. I don't, sadly, have a picture of the pose that made David look like he's trying to castrate himself. This poor boy got so much abuse at this meet.

General shot of the other table we commandeered, most of these are Kym's boys, I do believe.

Teru's, the red-cloaked boy (stuck on a girl's body) is a Breakaway. I don't think my pictures do justice.

Most of the tinies at the meet, including Teru's little Puki-Sha. Sadly, she lost his ears at the meet. :/

I LOVED this boy's hat and hair. He's so pretty!

And then Katree, Amanda, Ojo, and I got to talking about needing to do Saiyuki boys to match Katree's Conifer's Sanzo costume. Hence the 'future in porn' comment. David as Gojyo, Amanda's Merlin as Hakkai, Katree's Conifer as Sanzo, Ojo's Misha as Seiten Taishi, and Katree's BlueFairy boy without body right now as Son Goku. Naturally, we couldn't wait. Conifer poses too well as Sanzo, and Merlin and David are naturally handsy.

My hand was totally not steady getting pictures on the way out. XD but the background is pretty at least.

So, when we get to Mae's, Conifer's costume is partially coming off. Which somehow resuilts in stripping him. And deciding he looks like a whore. Which leads to... these?

Merlin looks so proud of himself... O.o

And, then, Gelert, Cindy's Chrom, had to get involved...

Gelert, prior to this, had been behaving nicely with David.

But then he didn't want to put his pants back on.

Intro Little Red Riding Hood molests the Big Bad... Merlin? Who is then attacked by tinies.

Blurry, again, but he's doing kung fu (ala Cindy)! Which is IMPORTANT, because we're watching Kung Fu Panda. In the background. When we're not distracted by the red light district on the floor in front of us.

Gelert is THIS big.

But, apparently behaves well when attacked by tinies.

Ojo's Misha (LE Vampire something-or-another... DOT) posing with Poe. 'Cause they suit each other.

And then, David and Merlin decide to pose.

Teru's little girl doesn't seem bothered by it - she's pointing at David's popping pants (he sooo needs an extra snap sewn on).

She was insistant on watching, too. And, yes, David and Merlin look they're fighting the whole time. It's very much a hate-love thing it seems. So very much Hakkai-Gojyo.

There, a little more loving and a little less murderous.

Guess I spoke too soon?

Maybe not...

Maybe I did...

Well, who cares. The love-hate thing created a lot of really awesome shots, imo. Now, we need to do it in costume. XD

Again, I apologize for the 13 thousand duplicates at hte end. XD

grasp, marxli, david, dolls, bjd

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