fiRsT kiSsdId yOu hAvE yOuR fiRsT KiSs?:yes hOw LoNg aGo?:6 yrs ago almost 7 diD yOu hAvE a cRuSh oN tHe pErSoN yOu shArEd iT wiTh?:kinda dO yOu rEgReT aNyThiNg aBoUt it? iF sO, wHaT?:yes, it was...him wHeRe eXaCtLy wAs yOuR fiRsT kIsS? (ex. cheek, lips, hand):lips wHeRe wErE yOu wHeN hE/sHe KiSsEd yOu?:outside near my fence wAs aNyOnE eLsE aRoUnD?:yessss dId yOu TeLL pEoPLe aBoUt iT?:they all seen dO yOuR pArEnTs kNoW aBoUt iT?:yes wHo wAs ThE oNe yOu sHaReD yOuR fIrSt KiSs WiTh?:Ray hOw LoNg dId iT LaSt?:idont rememberrrr dId yOu gO iNtO shOcK aFtEr iT hApPeNeD?:i ws grossed out wErE yOu sPeEcHLeSs aFtEr iT hApPeNeD?:yes dId yOu KiSs tHeM?:i TRIED to oR dId tHeY KiSs yOu?:HE SHOVED HIS TOUNGUE DOWN MY THROAT- GROSSS oR diD yOu bOtH KiSs EaChOthEr?:he kissed me first wAs iT a PeCk oR mOrE tHaN tHaT?:more dId yOu gUyS gO oUt aFtEr iT?:yes DiD yOu bOtH LiKe eAchOthEr aFtEr iT?:i dont know wErE yOu sUrPriSeD iT hApPeNeD?:yea dId yOu sMiLE nOn-sToP fOr tHe nExT cOuPLe hOuRs aFtEr iT hApPeNeD?:no DiD yOu cLoSe yOuR eYeS?:no i was afraid hed lick my face lol oR dId yOu tOtALLy fOrgEt tHe KiSsiNg :i hateddd ittttt wErE yOu eMbArAsSeD?:yes wHeRe yOu hApPy?:ehhh dO yOu fEeL uNcOmFoRtAbLe dEsCriBiNg iT?:yes, it was disgusting dO yOu wOrRy tHe pErSoN yOu sHaReD iT wiTh wiLL rEaD thIs & bE eMbArAsSeD?:he wont read it dO yOu LoVe tHiS pErSoN?:NO WAY hAvE yOu KiSsEd aNyOnE siNcE? 18....plenty WiLL yOu aLwaYs ReMeMbEr yOuR fiRsT KiSs?:yea, i wish i couldnt HoW oLD wErE yOu wHeN iT hApPeNeD?:12 wAs iT iNfLuEnCe bY a gAmE sUcH aS sPiN tHe bOttLe/tRuTh oR dArE?:no my friends made us wAs iT aT sOmEoNeS hOuSe?:yeah, mine DiD aN aDuLt sEe iT tAkE pLaCe?:no aRe yOu tOtALLy tHiNkiNg aBoUt tHe pErSoN yOu KiSsEd?:no dO yOu wAnT tO rEdO iT oVeR aGaiN?:yea, with SOMEONE NEW dO yOu reALLy fLiRt wItH thE pErSoN?:no dO yOu FeEL UnCoMfOrTaBLe, nErVoUs, oR sHy aRoUnD thEm?:not no more aRe tHeY jUsT a fRiEnD?:acquaintance hAvE yOu tWo bEeN mOre tHaN fRiEnDs?:we went out for a wk wAs yOuR fIrSt KiSs sHaReD wItH sOmEoNe oF thE oPpOsiTe sEx?:yes diD yOu tHaNk tHeM?:no dId yOu wAnT tO KiSs ThEm aGaiN?:no dO yOu sTiLL wAnT tO KiSs hIm/hEr?:no iF yOu aRe fIrSt KiSsLeSs, dO u ReaLLy wAnT yOuR 1St KiSs nOw?:i kissed plenty aNd iF yOu aRe 1sT KiSsLeSs, dOnT gIvE iN oR bE dEsPeRaTe aBoUt iT! right?:umm dO yOu WiSh yOu sHaReD iT wItH sOmEoNe eLsE?:yes DiD yOu kIsS mOrE tHaN oNe pErSoN tHaT dAy?:no wAs iT tHe bEsT tHiNg tHaT's eVeR hApPeNeD tO yOu?:FUCK NOOOOO
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