Aug 24, 2005 13:22
So in in my World Religions class, he threw out th idea of studying abroad. Hmm. At first I was like, haha no. But hell, why shouldn't I really? Ok sure, it is a shitload of money, and I'm kinda poor. But I could actually pull this off, and yea, given that if I do decide "ok hell yea let's go!" then I have the problem of being a few thousand short for when I move out. I keep telling myself that I need a hell of a lot more money to move out, so then by doing this I would set myself back greatly. But then I get thinking again, and in 6 months time, I will have probably a few thousand more in the bank so therefor I suppose that I could hold off of putting it in the back, and put it to the side for my Europe fund. I am most definatly not bringing my parents into this. They told me that anything I need for college I would be paying for myself. I believe that this would also co-inside. It would be for college, they paid my tuition so it's only fair I get the rest I think. Hmm...decisions decisions..Yea. I think I'm gonna try and do it. Only thing is, I need company!! I don't wanna go by myself!! I need a drinking buddy damnit!
Comments on what ya all think would be a good decision for me money-wise is very welcome!