BAMBOOZLE (radio quiz show, Monday mornings)

Jan 18, 2009 21:17

Please read all the information before commenting! Thanks :)

This post is for sign-ups to be a contestant on Joey's new radio quiz show, Bamboozle! If you've never heard of it, this clip should get you up to date! He'll also be looking for question writers to help him compile general knowledge questions for each show. It's aired weekly on Monday ( Read more... )


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endlessdel January 28 2009, 17:46:15 UTC
Name: dELiRium
Age: UM. TwO in hUMAN yEARs and VeRY oLd in NON huMAN YeaRS
Occupation: insAniTY. oVEN foR ASheR'S SPawN. TeACHer. CooK. PaRty PLaNNER. icE CREAM mAKer AND pART TimE JuGGLer.
Time on the island: TwO YeARS.
Tell me about yourself (50-100 words will suffice) including hobbies and interests, friends and family:
i'M DeLiRium. i LiKE STars and ORGASMs anD icE CREAM AND my DOGGiES ANd ASHer. aSHER is MY BabY DAddy i thiNK, WELL hE Put HiS COLD Dead sEED inside me buT it tuRNED ouT TO be neithER COLD OR Dead bUT VERY SEEDY ANd nOW i'm pRegnant and ASher MOSTLY LOoks LIke thiS :O oR :| oR :E at mE ANd DOesn'T Put his NOT COLD dEAD SEED inSidE ME ANymorE. WhiCH MakES Me sad BECAUse he haS A nice pEnis.
And mY FAVOUritE COLouR is thE COLOuR of rainBOW vomiT.

Tell me a joke and/or funny story:
whO'S THerE?
i DOn't knOW.
whAT dO you mEAN you doN'T KNow? wHY ARe YOU knockING AT M dOOR?
bECAUse i'm tRYing to kiLL yOU.
WhAT? WELL whY woULD i Let YOU in?
GooD poiNT Let mE TrY AGAin. KNOCk kNOck.
WHo'S thERe?
yOUR PRiest?
Oh coME in fathER-AAAAAARGH.

i THink THat's rEALLY FUnNY.

Fill in the missing word with whatever pops into your head:
G................... rEEN MouSE ANd tELEPHOne icE CREAM.
Doggy.................. iS rEALLy cuTE. i hAVE a doGGY his NAMe is BARNabAS.
Pizza................... StrIppER. WhiCH is a striPPER who WeaRS noThing buT PizzA SLicES AND RemOVES Each sLIce SLOWLY AND Feeds THEM TO Her cuSTOMERS.

Why do you want to be on the show?
bECAUse i aM Very comPETitive and VERY BORed and i LikE the RadiO it MAKES me waNT spECiAL aLOne tiME EXCept not ALONE and with OTHER pEOPLe.

Have you appeared on television/radio before? If so, what and when? Did you win?
i dO THe rADio EVery friDAY nighT AND i waS on thE fiRST BROadcast. i shOWED CHris mY BOOBS.

How would you rate your general knowledge between 1 and 10. 10 is genius, 1 is dumb.
TweLVE biLLion and pi.

What would be your ultimate prize?

Do you think a woman in a bikini holding up the scores would produce a better performance from you?

Are there any filming dates you cannot attend?
NO. uNLESS i SUddENLY WenT inTO unANNouNCED LabOUR. bUT i'D COme and DO the SHOW ANyway. YOUR Ratings WOULD be veRY High.

Thank you and good luck!


how_youdoin February 8 2009, 23:46:06 UTC

Del um... Irium, your fellow contestant is Mark Cohen, a guy who works in films and-- oh my God, I wonder if he could get me a role! Oh, and he does radio upkeep and stuff but I don't think that gives him an advantage. He probably just has the face for radio, I dunno. Dude wears glasses so he looks kinda clever though.

Your recording date was will be: Monday 2nd February

Remember, the show will be live! So get practising your radio voice noooow.

Good luck!

Joey Tribbiani
(will not accept bribes will probably accept bribes from Del, and will definitely accept cookies)

P.S. I didn't get the joke but pizza strippers sound AWESOME! You think they'll have those at the new strip club?

P.P.S Please don't have your babies while we're recording. Thanks.

[ooc: You know how it works :D Cohen's mun is Shan. Long as I know who won by the end of Feb, that's fine!]


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